Java 8 and MineOS

Java 8 is a common problem that people face when they want to use MineOS because java 8 is not available in the official repository as its end of life. Stretch is also finished you could add the repo but i don’t see the point its an old outdated version of java 8, but basically this is why its a headache for people.

Minecraft versions from the very first version up until Minecraft 1.16 are still widely used and are subject to being java 8 based jvm’s.

This will be using Adopt variation of the JRE as the official java 8 is end of life. Which can be found here. There is many other options out there you can use this is just one of them.

This is just how i do it not that its right or wrong but it is easier for me to do it this way and makes sense to me. Here is how to obtain java 8 this is also applies to a 64bit binary so if you use a different platform then you will need to account for that.

Open a terminal and run the following as root
cd /var/games/minecraft

mkdir -p java

cd /var/games/minecraft/java

wget -O jre8.tar.gz

Note: You can apply the above wget command and tailor it to specific JRE versions to suit your requirements which you can find the different releases at the top of this post. on the Adpot Github.

tar xf jre8.tar.gz

rm jre8.tar.gz

Inside your Minecraft servers directory you will find a file called server.config open this file with a text editor of your choice and edit the following line so that it can find the JRE.

You should now be able to run your server as long as everything else is setup correctly.


also for posterity reasons Adopt is an IBM based jvm so you might want to look over this documentation which basically outlines what a jvm is is and some stuff that it preforms.

if you want to tune your jvm then you might want to look at this documentation as it covers everything you would need to know about tuning and is very informative.

if you are used to setting arguments then you may also want to brush over these too as semeru brings new commands and arguments because its slightly different from the original hotspot jvm’s by Oracle.

Thank you so much for this. I’ve been Googling for like two hours, and it turns out all I needed to do was search here for “Java 8.” My Revelation server is finally up and running :slight_smile:

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I just have to say, i have also been looking for HOURS and hours over the past 3 days trying to figure this out…I had a really old install of Mineos that didnt seem to have issues, until i moved all my game servers to this new dedicated server i got and installed the latest MineOS install and BAM…every old server is broken!

This while it too some additional things (having to install wget, and nano as its my preferred editor) it was overall very clear and concise!

I specifically joined the forum to give you props for this and it helped me get my servers back online!! THANKS!!

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When I try to create any folder on the minecraft folder it says permission denied.
How do I fix it?

Hi, and welcome

This is a rights issue. Usually you would not need to do this manually, as new directories are created as needed (on server import or creation).

The recommended method of creating a new non standard server is to first create a new standard server so that MineOS creates the structure and files it needs, then to add any non standard files in the created directory.

Another method is to use the import function of MineOS to import an archvie of an existing world. This also creates the needed directories and files for MineOS.

Yeah it will be because you created the server instance as root but are trying to modify files as a standard user.

You can change the permissions to the normal user if you are logged in as root.

The directory will be something like /var/games/minecraft/servers/serverName

cd /var/games/minecraft/servers

chown -R standardUser /serverName

Replace server name with your server’s name, and replace standardUser with your non root user name. Do these commands as root.

When creating servers in the webui log in as a standard user to do so. Or when using FTP to transfer files then do so as a standard user also. Basically anything FTP or WebUi related to your game server then do it as non root.

Also think that root supersedes everyone so you can do most things as a standard user and root can control it, it is only in specific circumstances that you need to do things as root.

hey i forgot to say thanks
So thanks
But i am encountering and error with java 17 and 17.0.9 on 1.20.1 I should work fine but it just dosen’t i used this wget

wget -O jre17.tar.gz https:/jdk-17.0.9%2B9_openj9-0.41.0/

this is forge btw
because i think it works on vanila

Search this forum newer Minecraft version work differently and there is a few post talking about it.

This thread is about java 8.