WebUI won't start a 1.13 server

Not sure if this is a 1.13-related bug, but my webUI doesn’t appear to be capable of starting a 1.13 server.

I’m running MineOS in a freeNAS iocage jail, set up via jsegaert’s wonderful plugin. The webUI issues the “start” command but doesn’t actually appear to be starting the server (the GUI briefly shows the server as “up” but then “down” again after a few seconds, with no additional error shown). Relevant part of mineos.log below:

{"level":"info","message":"[atomicvanilla] issued command : \"modify_sc\"","timestamp":"2018-07-20T02:53:36.659Z"} {"level":"info","message":"[atomicvanilla] received request \"modify_sc\"","timestamp":"2018-07-20T02:53:36.744Z"} {"level":"info","message":"[atomicvanilla] issued command : \"start\"","timestamp":"2018-07-20T02:53:38.281Z"} {"level":"info","message":"[atomicvanilla] received request \"start\"","timestamp":"2018-07-20T02:53:38.281Z"}

Starting the .jar directly using a command/shell script works fine. All other older/modded versions of Minecraft seem to start just fine.

I’ll do my best to provide more information as I’m able.

edit: Solved it. It was a permissions issue relating to my manually-downloaded 1.13 jar. Check your chmods, folks. As an aside, the webUI should probably gracefully fail/throw up an error if it encounters bad perms (which it doesn’t seem to currently.)

I know this is resolved, but you make sure to use your WebUI user account and you will not have this issue. I have used a couple custom jars and just ftp with the correct user account that has been give ftp access and have no problems making sure the file has the correct/needed permissions.

Are you sure about this? Because .jar files really only need r, they don’t need x or w–jarfiles aren’t executables, they’re zip files.

As such, it wouldn’t check for chmod permissions, though it probably should do a better job detecting chown permissions, which is almost 99/100 times the issue (usually root taking ownership of files)

I accepted the EULA (checked it in nano), I set chmod 777 (just to make it easier) manually, & the server is still down…

Did you read this post?

I have now :slight_smile: I did a search on 1.13 and must have missed it.

I read it’s a known issue. It says fixed but it’s not fixed for me.

Sucks. Was hoping for an easy solution.

Vel, did you try to update your webui as the post gives as the solution? After doing that you need to download the profile again.


Yes. I read it. I even tried it.

First issue i ran into was there is no /usr/games/minecraft folder.

Second issue I ran into is that I receive a “No such file or directory” when I try to run it in the commands in /var/games/minecraft.

Although, i think i did just find it under the debian apt-get section.

/var/games/ contain all your minecraft server files.

The MineOS installation is usually contained in /usr/games/

But anyhow. this means we have found your true fault: Your webui is not updated to the latest version, and it seems that the mineos installation is in an unstandard place.

That at least it easier to handle:

Try to open an SSH connection to your MineOS server and use the command:

locate mineos

This should list all files with a name containing “mineos”, and the directory infront of “mineos.js” is where your mineos installation is placed. Open that direcotry, and follow the rest of the wiki for updating

Yup. Did all that. Not working. Thanks.

If i get the server, somehow lol, started, will the Web User Interface pick it up?

Nope, as the webui fires up theservers inscreen sessions is able to connect to.

You say “Did all that. Not working”. What did not work and what was the error messages you got? “Not working” is not exactly helping for us to be able to navigate through this.

If your server has SSH availability over the internet, and you are willing and want me to, I could log in and take a look to see if I can help.

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I followed the instructions on both websites (even found mineos without the locate command which did not work for me) and pressed start in the mineOS webgui. Still says down. I didn’t get an error msg.

Delete the server and recreated, chmod the server again, accepted EULA, tried again: didn’t work.

SSH is not avail, no.

When you entered the mineos installation direcory, did the “update MineOS” directions work? or did they produce an error?

Did you restart MineOS? (Either by reboot, or by following the “restart the MineOS service” directions?)

After restarting the MineOS service: Did you refresh your webbrowser? And try to reset theweb browsers cache to make sure that it’s not using a chached version of the WebUI?

With a freshly updatet WebUI, did you go o the profile page and re download the 1.13 minecraft server profile?

After redownloading the 1.13 minecraft, did you go then try to set the freshly downloaded profile and server file as JAR and then start?

Edit: if your WebUI is properly updated you should have the following comit : fd17bbc , you can see your running comit by pressing the small arrow in the top corner of he WebUI

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When you entered the mineos installation direcory, did the “update MineOS” directions work? or did they produce an error?

It said I was running the newest files

Did you restart MineOS? (Either by reboot, or by following the “restart the MineOS service” directions?)

I restarted the VM

After restarting the MineOS service: Did you refresh your webbrowser? And try to reset theweb browsers cache to make sure that it’s not using a chached version of the WebUI?

lol yes.

With a freshly updatet WebUI, did you go o the profile page and re download the 1.13 minecraft server profile?

It said it was already downloaded; however, yes, I did re-download it.

After redownloading the 1.13 minecraft, did you go then try to set the freshly downloaded profile and server file as JAR and then start?

lol. yes.

git reset --hard origin/master

gives me fd17bbc

Hey I am getting an error

The log file is giving me after receiving the command "start": "Cannot start server without designated$
Not entirely sure what that means.

(I know I got at bit detaily there BTW ;))

The full message is “Cannot start server without designated JAR”
There are two things you can try then:

  1. select (in your minecraft servers page) another profile, then reselect the 1.13 profile.
    * this should force a recopy of the downloaded profile jar
  2. press the “Transfer profile files” button to force a recopy from the profiles to your server.

Then reselect the correct JAR in the JAR dropdown menu. Wait a few seconds to make sure the selected JAR stays selected. If not, select it again. Repeat until it stays selected. If it refuses you can manually edit the “server.config” file in/var/games/minecraft/servers/[servername]/. It should read “jarfile=minecraft_server.1.13.jar”

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From PM-thread:


I think i’m going to try PM.

select (in your minecraft servers page) another profile, then reselect the 1.13 profile.

It’s already saying that but I re-selected it.

press the “Transfer profile files” button to force a recopy from the profiles to your server.

Okay. I tried that.

Then reselect the correct JAR in the JAR dropdown menu. Wait a few seconds to make sure the selected JAR stays selected. If not, select it again. Repeat until it stays selected. If it refuses you can manually edit the “server.config” file in/var/games/minecraft/servers/[servername]/. It should read “jarfile=minecraft_server.1.13.jar”

Did that. Here is what the file is showing:

My reply:

Ok., so the correct file is selected.

enter the following command:
ls -lsa --block-size=M *.jar
in /var/games/minecraft/servers/[servername]/.

Please confirm that the following linjexists and is the same size (32M):
32M -rw-rw-r-- 1 mc mc 32M Jul 22 20:03 minecraft_server.1.13.jar

If it is not, you have the small file containing only the download error message.

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I’ll be logging of to go home to get to bed so I get to work tomorrow morning. So I’ll bun unavailable for awhile.There may be others in here that can pick up the thread to help solve this.


Looks like you found an issue. Takk! I’ll work on downloading the file.

I wonder what I did to not get the legit file but i’m using out-of-the-box stuff.

int the server directory:
Delete the to small minecraft_server.1.13.jar
Go to dir
Delete the 1.13 directory (rm -rf 1.13/ )

go to the WebUI
In the pulldown menu in the top corner: Select “refresh profile list”

Go to “profiles” Redownload the 1.13 profile
Go to your minecraft server and select the correct 1.13 profile ( do the select other profiule, select 1.13 profile stunt to be sure). Select the 1.13 jar.

Try starting.

Now we should have forced MineOS to redownload the file, making sure that MineOS do not ignore existing files (since we deleted the old ones).

After doing the above, the file size is showing correctly at 32M.

The profile won’t stay but the file shows that it has the 1.13 profile selected and the jar selected.

The server still will not start. No error message given.

Restarted and now the profile shows 1.13 but “Change runnable jar to:” is blank.

I delete the server, deleted the profile, re-downloaded the profile, checked 32M file size (it is), created a new server, .jar is finally showing back up so set it to minecr…1.13.jar, not showing 1.13 jar in the folder so I “Copy profile to live server files”, manually set chmod to the jar, accepted EULA, checked manually that the EULA was there and true (it was), pressed start…

…and nothing, again.

It just sits there and returns nothing.