[Tutorial] Installing/Using/Configuring MineOS-Node on a Ubuntu/Debian based distribution with a GUI (WiFi included, covers a range of some basics)

The table of contents:

 * Introduction/What to expect (00:11-03:06)
 * Preparing for install (03:06-07:54)
 * Installing System/OS (07:54-14:27)
 * Installing Software (14:27-21:30)
 * Using MineOS Part 1 (21:30-27:04)
 * Using MineOS Part 2 (27:04-33:39)
 * User and Group Management (33:39-35:52)

Additional Things/Notes:

 * Wireless/WiFi/Ethernet Network Connection Setup/Configuration - Installing System/OS (07:54-14:27)
 * Oracle Java 8 over OpenJDK8 - Installing Software (14:27-21:30)
 * Overcoming MineOS' official distro's installation issues - Introduction/What to expect (00:11-03:06)
 * Sudo/Root - Installing Software (14:27-21:30)
 * Server IP - Using MineOS Part 2 (27:04-33:39)
 * Accessing the server files for mods, plugins, and imports - Using MineOS Part 2 (27:04-33:39)
 * System Memory/RAM - Preparing for install (03:06-07:54)
 * Server Memory/RAM - Using MineOS Part 1 (21:30-27:04)
 * Accessing the MineOS Web UI - Using MineOS Part 1 (21:30-27:04)
 * Creating new users and managing server access - User and Group Management (33:39-35:52)

the site in question, since it wasn’t hyperlinked anywhere - https://sites.google.com/site/jaymontana36jasen/tutorials/mineos-guides/node/installation/how-to-install-mineos-node-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts

That had actually been changed to https://sites.google.com/site/jaymontana36jasen/tutorials/mineos-guides/node/installation/how-to-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts sometime back and I though I had made sure to put it in the description of the video but I guess not?

EDIT: Yeah it is there in the video’s description but not up above in the post/thread.