No profiles are available; check internet connectivity and refresh the profile list

I am trying to update my minecraft server to 1.14.4 but I cannot get the profiles to load on MineOS. I used to be able to see them and have not made any configuration changes (that I know of). this is what is listed in the web ui:

Here is the logs I looked at (im not seeing much):
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:54.468Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:54.478Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Mojang Official Minecraft Jars (443 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:54.544Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[GenericMod] root ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:55.847Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[GenericModV2] root ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:55.847Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Test] root ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:15:55.847Z”}
{“redownload”:true,“command”:“refresh_profile_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:06.774Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:06.785Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:06.789Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Mojang Official Minecraft Jars (443 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:06.843Z”}
{“redownload”:true,“command”:“refresh_profile_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:10.017Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:10.028Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:10.032Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Mojang Official Minecraft Jars (443 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:10.103Z”}
{“redownload”:true,“command”:“refresh_profile_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:27.456Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:27.467Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:27.471Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Mojang Official Minecraft Jars (443 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:27.533Z”}
{“redownload”:true,“command”:“refresh_profile_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:38.811Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:38.822Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. Please check your internet connectivity.”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:38.826Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Mojang Official Minecraft Jars (443 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:39.382Z”}
{“command”:“refresh_server_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] Received emit command from",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:40.689Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[GenericMod] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (19860 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:40.828Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[GenericModV2] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (21164 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:41.127Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Test] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (4466 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2020-02-25T01:16:41.357Z”}

Let me know if you need any more info,

Update your webui.

Explanation for error.

In addition to that, please do not log int the webui as root. Log in as a non-root user.

1 Like

Hey HexParrot!

Thanks for the suggestion it solved the problem. Another question now though. I have another use that I usually use other than root but it seems they no longer have access to the servers (no server show up after clicking on “Refresh Server List”. Although when i log in as root it seems to show the servers. I though this might be because the root account owned the servers when I sshed in. But even after changing the ownership to the other account with sudo access the servers still down show up. Do you know the reason for this?

Sorry for a second question =P
Thanks again,

It’s better to create new questions rather than to continue because your ‘servers not showing up’ issue is unlikely to get any attention from people who think this entire thread is about ‘no profiles are available’

I see new questions about one specific thing to be a goodness on the forum, and I’m not concerned it’s spam or noisy.

To answer your question, whoever owns the files on the filesystem-level. If you created a server as user and then started logging in as root and then started running the server, it is still root that is now creating files and taking ownership.


chown -R user:user /var/games/minecraft/{servers,backup,archive}/GenericModV2

For each server you want to change ownership for.

Hi there, I tried the steps for updating the webui, but I still have the same problem. I get no profiles, also no button to make a profile. Not sure how to fix this now


Hi, so I’m having the issue of not being able to see any profiles as well. I tries updating my webui but it gave me this error.

Script execution started on: Thu Oct 14 02:32:01 CDT 2021
Updating mineos-node repository…OK
Pulling master branch…From

  • branch master → FETCH_HEAD
    make: g++: Command not found
    make: *** [Release/] Error 127
    gyp ERR! build error
    gyp ERR! stack Error: make failed with exit code: 2
    gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:194:23)
    gyp ERR! stack at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
    gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
    gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:198:12)
    gyp ERR! System Linux 4.15.0-43-generic
    gyp ERR! command “/usr/bin/node” “/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js” “rebuild”
    gyp ERR! cwd /usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/posix
    gyp ERR! node -v v8.17.0
    gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v5.0.5
    gyp ERR! not ok
    npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
    npm ERR! errno 1
    npm ERR! posix@4.2.0 install: node-gyp rebuild
    npm ERR! Exit status 1
    npm ERR!
    npm ERR! Failed at the posix@4.2.0 install script.
    npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2021-10-14T07_32_05_182Z-debug.log