All the stuff i wrote in that thread only applies to pre 1.18 roughly not sure where the point is where it changes entirely because i am only interested and play up to 1.7.10 so no idea about new minecraft but i know its changed.
This is what you would need to look at because its all changed from 1.17-1.18 on wards.
at the time of writing i did not know this was the case and only knew after due to Elpress linked this post to someone else.
If you can see it too in that thread then we are both on different pages lol and its because i didn’t actually know later Minecraft changed the format and structure of how it runs the game. So i am trying to advise them but its wrong lol. Well form 1.18 its wrong but i didn’t know that at the time.
There is still good insight there though its just the bottom line has changed post 1.1x sometime.