Is there any plan to include fabric profiles for mineos in the future, or does someone have installation instructions?
I previously tried following the instructions on the Fabric site and had no luck, and when I tried to follow up on the Fabric discord, I was basically told no one uses mineos or knew how to make it run there.
Sorry, I don’t have examples of the errors I was receiving, it was several months back, I’m just now starting up a Vanilla 1.15 server, and would like to install an inventory sorting mod.
As far as i can see the server version is installed much the same way as FTB style servers. So you should be able to install it. The setup they describe in their instructions is for a standalone server, not for a server administered by MineOS (or any other Minecraft server admin tool).
It has a few prerequisites:
a vanilla server jar
the installer jar from Fabric
How to install:
in MineOS: create new server
in MineOS: use profile: mojang 1.15
in MineOS: press button “copy server files”
do not start server (not needed now)
in any sFTP program: manually copy fabric server installer into the created server directory
in SSH: use command “cp minecraft_server.[version].jar server.jar” (without quotation marks)
in SSH: run “java -jar fabric-installer-[version number].jar server” (without quotation marks)
Wait untill done
in MineOS: in jar dropdown menu: chose server jar: “fabric-server-launch.jar”
in MineOS: press button “accept EULA” and select “start”
This should do it, but the server need to do some stuff on first start, so be patient.
As always: You may need to stop server again to edit settings files to mach your needs.
@Hexparrot can answer best for feasibility of making a profile, but as it’s not a list of releases it can easily harvest, I guess it is not currently easily done
Hi I just started using Mineos to set up a Minecraft server for my friends. I would like to install the Fabric server client on Mineos and I read this forum but when I type these commands on the SSH (putty):
“cp minecraft_server.[1.17].jar server.jar” (I didn’t put quotations)
it replies “cp: cannot stat ‘minecraft_server.[1.17].jar’: No such file or directory”
then I try the other command to see if it worked:
“java -jar fabric-installer-[0.7.4].jar server”
and it replies:
“cp: cannot stat ‘minecraft_server.[0.7.4].jar’: No such file or directory”
Are the numbers the correct inputs? What should I do?
I’m trying to install Fabric so I can install the lithium mod, and Hydrogen mod to improve my server performance since it is the bare minimum spec to run a Minecraft server. Please help me and thank you in advance.
So I followed the steps and everything copied over but when I try to run it the server will just fail when it says fabric is preparing JARs on first launch. I am using Mojang 1.16.5 as the profile and followed the steps as listed above. I made sure to set the Java settings to the fabric-server-launcher.jar as well and have made sure the server has 4 GB of ram available to it. Is there something I am missing?
I do see in the latest.log “Incomplete remapped file found! This means that the remapping process failed on the previous launch. If this persists, make sure to let us at Fabric know!”
I am going to try it with an older version of fabric as I am using fabric-installer-0.7.4 and getting this error
What happened, or where did it fail? What where your error messages?
My post above is really each step you need to take (just remember to drop the square brackets ( [ ] ): where you need to insert the corret version to match the correct filenames. Fabric on mineos? - #2 by iMelsom
And what happends when you try to connect or transfer ? What sftp client do you use? I recoomend, as it is easier and more intuitive.
Hello I seem to be getting almost the same issues as VincedoubleO was getting. I’ve used FileZilla to put the installer in the directory, however, when I put in “cp minecraft_server.1.17.1.jar server.jar” it come up with “cp: cannot stat ‘minecraft_server.1.17.1.jar’: No such file or directory” and with I try “java -jar fabric-installer-0.8.2.jar server” it gives me “Error: Unable to access jarfile fabric-installer-0.8.2.jar”. I have tried running these from both root and mc and while both directly on the computer and while using SSH. Even though these aren’t working the .jar still appears under the runnable jar selector in MineOS. However, when I select fabric it will not start the server. I accept the EULA and everything but when I click start it does nothing. I thought it might just be taking a bit to start up but I let it sit and it seems like it just doesn’t want to start. If you have any thoughts let me know because I cannot seem to figure it out.
I usually create a server in MineOS, install Fabric server to empty folder on windows and transfer to linux except the
The change jar to the fabric server jar.
Run the fabric installer; click the Server tab, change Minecraft version if necessary, click Install, click Download server jar, then close the menus
Go to downloads and delete fabric-server-launch.jar since you won’t need it
Now in MineOS, create a new server or do this process on an existing server
Change the profile under the start button to the version of Minecraft you are using
*If it is not there download it from the profiles tab on the left
Click Copy profile to live servers
Copy server.jar and fabric-installer-[version number].jar into the server via an sFTP program ([version number] should be something like 0.10.2)
Now open command prompt and connect to your server
*Do not include the quotations when running the following commands
Run the command: “cd /var/games/minecraft/servers/[Your Server]” to set your directory to the Minecraft server you’re editing
-Replace [Your Server] with your server name
Run the command: “cp minecraft_server.[version].jar server.jar”
-Replace [version] with the version of Minecraft you’re using
Run the command: “java -jar fabric-installer-[version number].jar server”
-Replace [version number] with the version of the fabric installer you installed earlier
Now go back to MineOS
Under Java Settings, change the runnable jar to “fabric-server-launch.jar”
Start the server
Wait a long time for the server to start
I hope this helps with the problems people were having!
Just found a much simpler way to go about this and, unlike the other method, it works for earlier versions of Minecraft as well. Although, after testing this out, it does not run as well.
Now in MineOS, create a new server or do this process on an existing server
Change the profile under the start button to the version of Minecraft you are using If it is not there download it from the profiles tab on the left
Click Copy profile to live servers
Copy fabric-installer-[version number].jar into the server via an sFTP program ([version number] should be something like 0.10.2)
Now open command prompt
*Do not include the quotations when running the following commands
Run the command: “ssh -l root [ip address]” to connect to your server
-Replace [ip address] with the address of your server
Run the command: “cd /var/games/minecraft/servers/[Your Server]” to set your directory to the Minecraft server you’re editing
-Replace [Your Server] with your server name
Run the command: “java -jar fabric-installer-[version number].jar server -mcversion [Minecraft version] -downloadMinecraft"
-Replace [version number] with the version number from earlier
-Replace [Minecraft version] with the version of Minecraft you’re using
Now go back to MineOS
Under Java Settings, change the runnable jar to “fabric-server-launch.jar”
Don’t use root.
You should use a standard user account for mineos. This means for permissions to be correct you shouldn’t ssh in as root you should ssh in as your standard usr account. Then when getting the fabric launcher and running the installer the permissions will be correct.