When I try to enter my login details into the WebUI, the page just refreshes. I am sure my username and password is correct. Why could this be? Video
try changing the username to “mc”
Take a look at this link:
In the wiki, there aren’t instructions for adding webui to Debian 11, only Debian 10. The problematic change between Debian 10 and Debian 11 is the password hashing algorithm. I already answered a question running into a problem with this (Can only login to web UI as root on Debian 11 Bullseye - #3 by BPM ), but I thought that I would make it it’s own topic to be easier to find.
The instructions for installing on Debian 10 work, but you aren’t able to log in to the webui. This is b…
It is probaly an encryption error due to a change of encryption method
June 3, 2023, 11:25pm
is there a way to fix this?
So far I didn’t have a chance to test it since I messed up my computer and had to re install mineos, and for some reason npm install didn’t want to work.
Yes. The post I linked has the full wirteup for how
Would you happen to know how to fix this ?
This fixed the issue, thanks a lot