Where is the /var/games/minecraft… folder?

Hi guys, i’m going straight at the point.
I installed MineOS on a virtual machine (VMware workstation pro)
and the web ui told me that the server location path is at /var/games/minecraft… but… where is this folder? I can’t find it anywhere.

try to go to https://(theipaddressoftheserverwithoutparathsis):12320 into your browser and it should pull up the shell in a box. enter the user account and the password that you set up (this won’t show up). If you don’t remember creating a user account use root as the user name.
then type “cd /var/games/minecraft” and you should be there

Depending upon your exact distro and configuration you can browse there either locally (via the machine itself) or remotely (outside of the machine) typically using SSH/SFTP with WinSCP or FileZilla.