You can try updating/resetting the web ui with the following commands:
Is correct, I also had the same issue and seemed to resolve by updating the webui. (see here: A funny thing happened on the way to my MineOS WebUI)
However [quote=“TomatoSoup, post:1, topic:1169”]
running it in a VM on an ESXi host
[/quote] makes things a little different because I think you would be using VMware vSphere and have had to install open-vm-tools?
If you are, then you would highlight your VM in vSphere and click the console tab.
You should see “Turnkey GNU/Linux Configuration Console” at the top. Just click the window with your mouse pointer, it vanishes and now you are on keyboard control, (Press Ctrl+Alt to get the mouse control back.) With the keyboard, find the Advanced Menu button. Press A or Enter. Press Q for Quit, and Enter, Do you really want to quit? Y or Enter For yes.
You should see the header: Debian GNU/Linux 8 mineos tty1
mineos login:
Type in root, Enter.
Type in Password (the one you entered when you installed mineos): Hit Enter.
Find this line: "root@mineos ~#
Type JayMontana36’s commands above.
cd /usr/games/minecraft
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
chmod +x mineos_console.js
I always then do and if you want to:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade if I did not already.
To update mineos I use:
cd /usr/games/minecraft
git fetch
git merge origin/master
npm install --all
apt-get update
Good Luck!