Unable to create server and NO_PROFILES_DOWNLOADED

Maybe the module just didn’t get built during the installation; I’ll test in a few if breaking the loop and attempting to redo npm install results in another error, since breaking and redoing won’t cause it to loop again but still won’t be successful (based on what I saw had happened when I was doing it on stream).

So I’ve just now tried simply substituting the “npm install” with just “npm install --unsafe-perm” alone and it worked perfectly with nodejs v8 without specifying any individual modules; is/are there any downsides to just simply doing that alone or is it better/more beneficial to do it selectively for specific modules, like posix?

Edit 1:

Well, it did exactly that:
Once you break and redo the command it won’t throw any errors or warnings and will seemingly complete successfully, however you will end up with the same thing as before with it not working as intended:
Attempting to reset the web ui will result in the loop again which would then likely put you in a loop of breaking it again and trying it again. However just using npm install --unsafe-perm in place of npm install works.

Also, no problem; I’ve managed to catch a really great deal on a board and CPU so I’m a lot less hesitant when it comes to testing and experimenting, and also free’d up a ton of space (approximately a terabyte if not more) so I’ve got plenty. Not sure how I missed/overlooked the thanks when it was right there at the very beginning but also thanks for putting all this work into MineOS time and time again over the years; I’ve actually come a very long way because of it when it comes to Linux.