[SOLVED] Missing profiles, including Mojang

I have a MineOS server installed as a FreeNAS plugin, running the Mojang 1.15.2 jar. Today I went to update it for 1.16 and didn’t find it in the list. I missed the “refresh server list” option and went straight to updating MineOS through the FreeNAS plugins page (to git commit 4470b92 ). Now the Profiles page only shows Spigot, Imagicalmine and Nukkit in the dropdown. I can see the others failing in the log:

{“redownload”:true,“command”:“refresh_profile_list”,“level”:“info”,“message”:“[WEBUI] Received emit command from”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.284Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: mojang. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.286Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.286Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: ftb_third_party. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.287Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Spigot (1 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.287Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: forge. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.288Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: paperspigot. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.288Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Imagicalmine (1 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.289Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: mianite. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.290Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: bungeecord. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.290Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“Downloaded information for collection: Nukkit (2 entries)”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.291Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: spongevanilla. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.291Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“Unable to retrieve profile: cuberite. The definition for this profile may be improperly formed or is pointing to an invalid URI.”,“timestamp”:“2020-06-23T15:46:38.291Z”}

This looks similar to the issue in this thread, but I checked profiles.js and it has the right md5:

MD5 (profiles.js) = 4ba2b61e2e49396d4b843a9a88bb7475

Other than this, both MineOS and the server seem to be running fine. Any suggestions?

Based on the error, and all the functionality otherwise working, it seems like your FreeNAS jail does not have internet connectivity.

Not referring to networking connectivity–which definitely is there (as you can see the webui), but outbound connectivity, i.e., the URIs for every single profile that isn’t loading right now.

If you step into your jail, can you confirm connectivity through wget (or ping initially, but not only this service).

Good idea. If I ping google.com I get “host name lookup failure,” but if I do it by its IP it works fine. Using wget --spider google.com gets a “hostname nor servname provided, or not known” error. Doing the same for Google’s IP connects, redirects to google.com and then fails the same way.

It looks to me like it has internet connectivity but a DNS issue, is that right? How would that affect only some of the profile sets? I’m not sure what the next step would be in that case.

I can’t explain why it’s selective, but the inconsistency of DNS resolution I think would definitely need to be solved before taking additional steps–and we could just find out that fixing the DNS fixes this issue too.

Are there contents to /etc/resolv.conf?

Nope, just # Generated by resolvconf.

I googled after you asked and found a FreeNAS support thread about their DNS settings and copied the resolv.conf from FreeNAS into the jail. Everything seems to be working fine now! Thanks so much for your help!

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