[Solved] MineOS won't start on Lubuntu

There seems to be a problem getting the MineOS WebUI installed and working on Lubuntu, installation appears to be fine but there is a problem preventing it from running, the service isn’t registered meaning that service mineos start doesn’t work, and possibly more.
When I get the chance, I’ll check for and upload any logs; eta 30m-2h+.

MineOS convenience installer script log:
EDIT: Changed Pastebin link (added more info)


Discovered one error in logs: ./install_mineos-node: 19: ./install_mineos-node: npm: not found at line 500; attempting to install again shows that it is already installed and updated to the latest version. Attempting to reinstall (as well as purge and reinstall) also fail to fix the problem however it was worth a shot.

/var/log contains no MineOS related logs (obviously because the node modules cannot be built for the UI to run/start, because npm is missing somehow despite it being installed)

hi JayMontana36,

just to ask a few for my own education:

  1. i understand lumbutu doesn’t ship with java but mineos does so the question is ijava required first installed on lumbutu to run npm?

  2. same question regarding npm. is it first required to be installed on lumbutu to be then run by mineos?

  3. same question regarding everything else that is not pre installed on any os like lumbutu: if the required is not first present on the os does it get noticed by either the os or mineos and installed when mine os is installed or updated/upgraded?

best regards,


No OS ships with Java (or at least, not any known OS because of “legal” issues that no one really wants to deal with, probably because the terms aren’t really clear enough; Oracle Java and OpenJDK aren’t the same, but we’re able to ship OpenJDK with an OS…Oracle Java on the other hand we cannot.

Lubuntu is an OS, based on Ubuntu, and node/npm is required to build the node modules used by the MineOS WebUI, and the WebUI won’t function without the modules; @hexparrot can provide more details on how it works if necessary or if he feels. So yes, you’ll have to have npm installed before installing the WebUI.

If MineOS’ requirements aren’t installed, then chances are you won’t be able to install the UI (because Node/npm won’t be installed, meaning the install will fail because it cannot build the modules for the UI). If you check out the automatic installer script for Ubuntu 15+ and Debian, you’ll notice that it’s basically the same steps as manually installing the UI command-by-command. You’ll also notice that everything that the UI requires is listed on the install page and are installed before getting to the WebUI install section/process.

If MineOS was distributed as a package (a deb file for example) then yes it’s possible for the OS/package manager to install the required programs for the UI to function.

yes, ths’s what i meant, i seemed to recall having to install a java when i built my own LAMP.

no need now that i use the turnkey lamp but correct if wrong i think the turnkey lamp ships with openjdk.

righhhhht. kind of getting to my point here. again correct if wrong, npm requires a java (or openjdk if preferred) and Lubuntu ships with neither?

that would make me assume both would have to be added to lubuntu before mineos will install. (again, probably wrong on my part for reasons i just do not understand, lol,) and is my take away from this:

so begs the next question (sorry) did you get any java with that npm module you installed to lubuntu before mineos was installed?

(dumb I know, again, sorry trying to keep up.)



EDIt: P.S. and thanks for your reply, while waiting for your solution.

Before we even get to the steps to install the WebUI (aka the git part), Java (OpenJDK) is already downloaded and installed; take a look at the Ubuntu 15+ Steps from to to bottom…if we were to start from the bottom and work our way up we would be failing miserably at trying to get things to work.

Alright, so I just looked at the log again only to realize that I missed another error, which is at line 17: ./install_mineos-node: 4: ./install_mineos-node: curl: not found this has to be the reason for the error, because this is where a script that configures the system to download and use Node 5 (incase you guys don’t know, packages in Ubuntu repos and others tend to be outdated, sometimes by a lot). Scrolling down the logs to line 102, you’ll see Get:45 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 nodejs amd64 4.2.6~dfsg-1ubuntu4 [3,162 kB] which proves my point…that appears to be node 4.2.6 (based on the version tag on the end), and the UI requires Node 5…apparently in Node 4 there was no npm command, so that must’ve been added in Node 5. It’s an easy fix: all you have to do is replace the curl command (and it’s options, aka -sL) with the wget command, and it should work from there, after following the steps below that point again. You might have to chmod a+x for it to run and/or run it yourself before proceeding. I cannot test that at this moment, however when I can later on I’ll post the results.

@hexparrot you might want to change curl to wget in the convenience installer script and/or the wiki.

nothing like a little embarrassment to start the day. of course, i was on ubuntu 12 or 14. had to do so much to make mineos work then it just felt clunky compared to the turnkey distro that came out later.

i gave ubuntu the toss so never saw MineOS | mineos-node that clearly states node5 and java8 required.

if i recall, what i built did not require node, seems to me it needed perl.

anyway, it looks like you are on your way to getting this issue resolved. thanks for the replies.

Good Luck!


That I believe, was the older version of MineOS, the steps for that are here.

I can see that not all parts of the wiki are updated with the latest information/versions though (yes those steps still do work, however the wiki just hasn’t really been updated with the latest/easier versions/steps).


This was indeed the problem; the solution:

How to install MineOS WebUI on Lubuntu (based on the Wiki instructions)

  • Initial Step: Sudo into root:

sudo -i

  • Installing dependencies:

wget https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x
chmod a+x ./setup_5.x
apt-get install -y nodejs git rdiff-backup screen build-essential openjdk-8-jre-headless

  • Installing MineOS-Node

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hexparrot/be3de87fb17e08fb5bd8/raw/99fad00d730bd5d7f9dead0bef9c7405ee627969/install_mineos-node
chmod a+x ./install_mineos-node

EDIT: I took out a huge chunk of the steps/information and substituted it with the convenience installer script.