Server will not start

after weeks of fixing errors and many re-installs I got it down to one last issue I believe.

{“command”:“start”,“uuid”:“151ad310-d704-11e7-ba93-730057c6863a”,“time_initiated”:1512179819201,“success”:false,“err”:“Cannot start server without a designated jar/phar.”,“time_resolved”:1512179819315,“level”:“error”,“message”:"[Survival] command “start” errored out:",“timestamp”:“2017-12-02T01:56:59.316Z”}

After uploading all the current files and maps to this one server that’s giving me an issue I made another archive via command line and it now I need to delete the server again an it will not let me now. Is the a command line to do so?

After plenty of trail an error, I figured out how to fix my servers, not sure if it was the fastest way but I now have full functions of WebUI and no errors in Mineos.log.

To fix the server that would not create an archive I choose to create a new server, then I uploaded the files, map, plugins, etc… and it worked fine after that. All attempts of making a archive it would not rebuild the server right would be missing map, folders or files even thou the file size was 19,641,124 KB

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