Server ip not working?

this suppose to to happen?

Hmm, well I did look up what the openjdk8 package name for debian is/was but I guess itā€™s not what it said it was (I donā€™t have or use the official MineOS distro anymore, havenā€™t used it in forever/years now, so Iā€™m not absolutely positive on package names); try typing in apt-get install openjdk then tapping [TAB] a few times and it should show you whatā€™s what that can be installed relating to openjdk.


which one do i install

also do you have any other forms of contact like discord, twitter etc i might have to go for now to take care of some other stuff

The one that you want/are looking for would be openjdk-8-jre or openjdk-8-jdk as I had stated earlier but it doesnā€™t seem to be there, so youā€™ll have to add it manually and continue.

Or, if you want to, you also could follow the tutorial I had posted earlier which would give you Oracleā€™s Java 8 over OpenJDK-8 as well as a lightweight minimalist GUI to use.

Outside of the official documentation/information contained in the links that I post I wonā€™t really be able to help much further due to some of the differences in the configurations that Iā€™ve used and have gotten used to.

Iā€™ve got DIscord and Twitter, Twitter I donā€™t really use and Discord no one can add me to talk to me so Iā€™d have to add you there, but Iā€™d be able to help through that. You can dm me the name and number to add.

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@Ume-Shin Juri Han#0005 is my discord