Restore points vs Archives


I’ve just installed MineoS, and wondering what the difference is between restore points and archives.

Could not find it in the wiki.

Archives make a solid, compressed file, such as a zip file (except tar.gz)

Restore points make a mirror of all files and how they change from version to version.

Thanks for the answer.

I think i understand. But i’m looking for a good backup strategie. And thought i had to do something with both settings. Looking at the Server.config, i have 2 options:

  • Archive interval
  • Backup interval
  1. Does this relate to the restore points and archives?

  2. Is the restore point usage just to be able to restore on the same server? And archive to be able to create a new server?

  3. As an example setting the archive to 12 hours and backup (restore point) to 3 hours interval, enables me to restore the world 3 hours back, and create a world every 12 hours?

I move the archives offsite - in case something catastrophic happens. Also you can use the archives to build another server if you want - to test a new mod on a world - the restore points are points in time you can restore a specific server to - say to go back before you messed something up or if a power outage ganked it - dont turn off your ups to reset your router if the Mineos is plugged in as well…

right now I manually move the files … as I am not up scripting it - I am trying to get dropbox loaded and set up but im not there yet. I think there is probably a backup plan thread and we should look for that.

I know this is an old reply, but if I read this right, you were working on getting backups going to dropbox? Did you ever manage this? If so… how?

I don’t want open new topic.
Please tell me hat restorpoint copy.

Beacue I have problem with my server. I was do upgrade to 1.20 from 1.19 and my file was broken. Server back to last full archive. I have restore point from every day. So I start restore it one by one. And for equipment it work. But map/blocks change still the same as archive.

Restore don’t backup a map/blocks change?