Restore Points not generated?

MineOS moved to MineOS-node last year

The Webui was redone … that’s what I meant by “previous version” earlier. I redid my install a few months ago for the MineOS-node scripts. The previous version of the webui had the restore points baked in (all you did was set the minute interval to turn it on). MineOS-node now requires you to add your own cron expression. I found this post about why this may have changed:

I guess HexParrot changed this due to the number of emails about the same thing he was receiving and wanted people to know what they were doing (etc). I’m OK with that and having spent a lot of time in support or issues around support I get where he’s coming from … unfortunately it’s not as user friend to the average user (but then again, the average user should probably just be running the jar files directly).

I use MineOS purely for the interface so I know whats going on with the server at a glance without having to review log files all night (I do that all day, I don’t want to “work” all night). The archives and restores are a bonus, something I don’t have to worry about and I can just look at the UI to get an understanding of what’s happened/happening vs having to check logs, ls directories, etc … a few clicks, I’m done and back to gaming :slight_smile:

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