Profiles not loading

i’m not sure why it isn’t loading but it says check internet connectivity and i did that and it was connected. i’m still new to linux and it could be related to linux but i’m hoping someone could at least point me in the right direction. also i’m not sure if it is but the dashboard on the web interface looks like it is missing stuff compared to some of the videos i saw while trying to find a fixProcessing: image.png…

Is this the issue you’re getting, template text showing up in the webui?

yeah same, If you find a solution please lmk

Since you comment on this thread I assume you have the exact same problem.
Did you follow thelink Hexparrot pasted in just above your reply? Did you follow the instructions there?

If this is a new or different issue, please create a new thread, after first searching the forums in case this is allready solved.

If you have new information on this issue, please be more descriptive, and add logs or other information that can help in solving errors.