I was going to use Docker to launch my new MineOS instance, but I run lots of containers in the same docker host. I decided I didn’t want the possibility of Minecraft going nuts to impact RAM available to other containers. Since TurnKey is really not supported any longer, I spun up a dedicated Alpine Linux VM to run MineOS in. So I’m looking at the instructions for installing on Alpine and the second command (a) explicitly references Alpine 3.10 (current is 3.19) and (b) explicitly references NodeJS 10 (current is somewhere around 18 or 20).
apk add --no-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/main/ nodejs=10.19.0-r0 nodejs-npm=10.19.0-r0
I’m going to ignore that and just run apk add nodejs
and apk add npm
. Is it going to work?