Need assistance w/a MineOS docker

I’m drying to deploy the romses/mineos DockerHub image in TrueNAS Scale and the combo of being a total docker noob and the poor documentation on DockerHub has caused me quite a headache. I was able to deploy TrueCharts apps successfully, such as statisfactory, so I know I’m able to connect to the web and download docker images. Despite watching many overviews and tutorials for dockers and TrueNAS Scale I can’t figure the out on my own and I’m certain I’m missing something massively important as during the deployment I had left some fields blank and made guesses. Is the documentation I need somewhere obvious and I’ve just missed it? Does anyone here happen to have experience with deploying MineOS as a docker in TrueNAS Scale who’d be willing to explain what I’ve done wrong?

Application events log, clearly indicating I messed up something:

2022-03-10 21:45:34
Error: ErrImagePull
2022-03-10 21:45:34
Failed to pull image "romses/mineos:1.18": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = context canceled
2022-03-10 21:47:21
Deleted pod: mineos-ix-chart-78c97bd497-rpj5f
2022-03-10 21:47:21
Scaled down replica set mineos-ix-chart-78c97bd497 to 0
2022-03-10 21:44:03
Pulling image "romses/mineos:1.18"
2022-03-10 21:46:39
Add eth0 [] from ix-net
2022-03-10 21:45:34
Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
2022-03-10 21:44:03
Add eth0 [] from ix-net
Successfully assigned ix-mineos/mineos-ix-chart-78c97bd497-rpj5f to ix-truenas
2022-03-10 21:43:44
Created pod: mineos-ix-chart-78c97bd497-rpj5f
2022-03-10 21:43:44
Scaled up replica set mineos-ix-chart-78c97bd497 to 1

No logs exist as the pod never got created, again indicating a royal screw up on my part. Config screenshot atached.

Just commenting here so I can get notifications on this post/thread. I am looking to eventually go from TrueNAS Core to TrueNAS Scale but am waiting until I can get MineOS on Scale figured out (which I haven’t yet). I will fully admit that I am new to both Docker and Kubernetes. So, while I did try (using the hexparrot/mineos Docker image) I did not know enough about how to configure it to get it working. I suspect it has to do with the internal and external ports in the config, but I could be wrong there.

Naturally, if I find anything useful I will post back here.

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I have gotten the hexparrot container to run on Scale successfully.

Key thing is to make sure you redirect the website port to a port above 9000. Everything below 9000 is reserved for Scale (and TrueCharts?) and make the Minecraft server ports (e.g. 25565) are also ported out.

I created a Minecraft folder on the zvol and redirected var/games/minecraft there so that servers can survive container woes and you can also make that mountable so you can poke at the folders (e.g. mods for forge) and individual server config files more easily.

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I should have said something earlier but my issues are apparently caused by a bug in TrueNAS Scale that no one else is experiencing.

OK. I would suggest continuing to try after the latest update to Scale that just dropped. I have gotten my own version of the container to build finally and that deploys ok (as does some of the others in the community) as well as hexparrot’s.

Key things I have found are getting the port forwarding corrected, I set the USER_NAME env variable in my container deployment and the hidden secret is time. By this I mean it’s not an instant deploy. For me it seems like Scale needs to think about it a little while and then it decides the container can deploy the first time.

Best of luck.

Can anyone share their successful docker configurations of MineOS in TrueNAS SCALE please? Also do you think it will just be added into the TrueCharts catalog?

Here are the Launch Docker Image setting that I used for TrueNAS SCALE. You need to create coinciding user, group and datasets and set the permissions on the dataset to match the user and group.

Application Name - mineos
Image repository - hexparrot/mineos
Image Tag - latest

Container Environment Variables
Environment Variable Name - USER_NAME - [mc]
Environment Variable Name - USER_UID - [1000]
Environment Variable Name - USER_PASSWORD - [mc]
Environment Variable Name - GROUP_NAME - [mineos]
Environment Variable Name - GROUP_UID - [1000]

Port Forwarding Configuration
Container Port - 8443
Node Port - [9000+]
Protocol - TCP
Container Port - [25565]
Node Port - [25565]
Protocol - TCP
Container Port - [25565]
Node Port - [25565]
Protocol - UDP

Host Path Configuration
Host Path - [/mnt/pool/dataset/mineos]
Mount Path - /var/games/minecraft