Moving Server from one user to another

So when I originally created my server I simply used the default mcserver login info for the webui. But now I’d like to use remote management and want to do either of the follow

A: change the password for mcserver
B: create a new user and move the server from mcserver to the new user. (preferably this)

which would be the easier option?

FYI I’m running the MineOS plugin on FreeNAS 9.3

Log in as the “mc” user. Write “passwd”. This allows you to change the logged in users password.

This is a bit more steps, but it involves adding a new user (adduser), moving all existing servers to the new user (chown) while also making sure any files MineOS needs to be as is is left as is. The easiest way for this to be done right is like this:

  • log into the WebUI, create archive copies of the servers you wish to move to a new user. Then remove the user.
  • log in with ssh. add the new user you wish to use. While you are there, move over to the “archives” directory and move the arcivhes you made above to the “import” directory
  • log into the WebUI with the new user and use the “import” function to add the servers back in. They should now be owned by the new user. If this do not work, you may have to chown the archive files to the new user first.

edit: Just some cleanup to clarify

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