mineOS portforwarding

ok cool thanks man if i run into a problem ill bug you some more

Ok so ive gone over this etc and to be sure i remove every port excluding the port i will be using for the server and the webUI? and you said youd recommend the SHH so that means id keep the port 22 and then make sure i have the SHH port 22 port forwarded in the router correct?

My iptables is set to open for all, since I do my firewalling in my gateway / internet router.

Read more about ip-tables here: https://www.howtogeek.com/177621/the-beginners-guide-to-iptables-the-linux-firewall/

ok i have all of them open (as far as i know) i have the ports farwarded the same way I did in the photos i sent earlier but still caant connest unless its via lan.

im not sure if you can tell by this picture but did i do something wrong on this end?

What address do you try to connect to from the internet? Your LAN-address ( will not work, you need to use your external (WAN) address. you can find that address using (for example) a website like: http://whatismyipaddress.com/

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Ok so what do i do with this new address? Is this the address i give them to connect to?

yes. Your LAN address only works on your LAN, that is why you use port forward to tell your router where to send an internet rewuest on your LAN

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Thanks so much man my buddy Jake tested it and hes connected. God I wish i could do something for you.

No need :slight_smile:
Just enjoy the game, and use MineOS not only to controll it, but as a platform to learn Linux :slight_smile: You’ll need it!

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Just a good advice regarding iptables firewall.
Close all ports by default and allow only the needed ports.
You can learn more about iptables from this article https://likegeeks.com/linux-iptables-firewall-examples/

Best Regards,

how did you find the WAN

You cna find your WAN ip adress with a service like : https://whatismyipaddress.com/

can u send me the iptables wiki. I cannot connect to the server even in lan. i get this error java.net.connectexception connection refused connec

The wikipage is here: https://minecraft.codeemo.com/mineoswiki/index.php?title=Iptables

One thing to keep in mind though, is that you do not need to use the MineOS wiki to learn/troubleshoot iptables.

I provide this information to be comprehensive, but it is by no means instruction that is specialized for MineOS–MineOS is just Linux with a web user interface; the webui requires no different instructions to open up ports as ssh, ftp or apache.

If you find that the wikipage does not help you solve the problem, be sure to use any and all other online tutorials on how to get this to work.

can u link me the mineOS.iso i should use?

More importantly, which one did you use?

Because I have the link to the ISO in like 5 different places across the website–and they all should be the same–and it would be more valuable for me to remove the bad URL than for me to simply tell you the same URL I use every time I download the ISO.

do u have a discord?

Me, personally, I can provide support through a mechanism like this Discourse (and sometimes via email).

I have a fulltime job and many other responsibilities that make it impractical for me to provide real-time support for issues like this.

i used this one…