Mineos Node - Pictures, Extra info

I’m just interested if there is any pictures of the new node implantation. I don’t know much about it, but I am curious as to if there are any new changes to it (Besides what is already said on the forum).

I realized just a bit too late that it was rather unnecessary for me to say that I can provide pictures–after all, I’m actually reusing the existing web-ui, so for the most part, it will be visually identical in many places.

There is much new functionality since the new web-ui is using event-triggered node.js and some of them are:

  1. live updating everything. literally everything, from console logs to server.properties changes, hdd usage, uptime to the second, memory use, and status.
  2. config file editing in the web-ui. while this has not yet been implemented, I have every intention of making all YAML files editable within the web-ui
  3. live tailing any file. while most of the time this will be logs/latest.log, it can include (and will include) any file that up-to-the-moment following is relevant for.
  4. server restarting
  5. queueing actions

2-5 haven’t been implemented but my tooling around with nodejs has shown I can get it to work, so its just a matter of time.


Quick q will the graph on the front page actually make sense?

I feel like the graph on the front page … Already …makes sense.

I don’t know what is ram or cpu or what, I find it confusing without any sort of words telling me what is what.

Alright, so I can see now that this new webui will be months in the making.

After making a switch to Angular.js, I’ve also decided to remake the entire web-ui from scratch, which should drastically change the look, feel, and overall functionality of the web-ui. This is taking into consideration things that previously could not be done, such as live logging, and transactional event logging etc. I am, however, optimistic that this change will be drastic enough to compel all users to try out the nodejs/angular webui over the previous iteration, so we’ll see.


Sounds cool<fkekekekekekekekekeke

What was the cause for the change?

A Desire to improve the webui?

Will I get it by updating MineOS?

There is a command for that, right?

No, updating MineOS won’t do it this time, unfortunately. Drastic technical differences between nodejs and Python, and other things like permissions and huge usability changes make it too different to want to have it be a drop in replacement.

When the time comes, it’ll likely be a one line install command using the npm nodejs installer, requiring the uninstallAtion of the previous webui

Old servers from the previous MineOS version will be importable, right?

MineOS is a front-end to managing servers; it doesn’t have any effect on the world generated. Any minecraft world from any platform, OS, or front-end will work anywhere.

I was talking about the settings from Mineos (the ram, port, ect.)

There’s a chance this information will not port over. Because of drastic and fundamental changes to the way the servers will be implemented–and perhaps even the exclusion of server profiles, which usually was the biggest learning hurdle, there’s not much that will be usable from the previous server.config. And in that case, java_heap variables will only take a few seconds to reconfigure.

server-port, on the other hand, is a server.properties attribute, so it will definitely port over.

I committed the server.config and profiles mechanisms to code today and I ended up maintaining the same server.config format as the existing Python scripts. This means that the servers should be freely portable from version to version, with regard to java.

I’m doing profiles very differently now…hopefully they’ll be way more intuitive and understandable from the get-go, so your existing profiles will not be portable, but then again, they never really were anyway…one always ended up recreating the profiles on new installations.

The new web-ui hooks into the official Mojang list of Minecraft jars so from the web-ui itself, it will not only have every vanilla version ever, it will be auto-updating.

How I’m gonna work FTB and Spigot will soon follow.


Maybe instead of just creating for ftb try creating it for custom .jars and modpacks in genereal. I dunno how difficult this is, it’s just a suggestion.

Not sure you knew this but the FTB team is now working very closely with the Curse folks so the download locations should remain stable and the directory structure probably won’t change much. It might be worth reaching out to them to check on that if you haven’t already. Sorry if i’m regurgitating old information to you. But I thought I would pass what I had on to try to help in any way I could. Those are the servers I run with your software for my friends and I :wink:


Definitely didn’t know there’s any collaboration there, but it’s great to hear. I’ve seen from FTB that all the URLs are finally more structured, but the key element missing is a file that reflects all the server packs I’d want to include.

Mojang’s versions.json is a shining example of a way that it can always be updated for the user (and it’s already implemented quite nicely on the new iteration), but I’m hoping I can avoid ever having to put in to some file manually that the newest version of pack X is now 1.2.X and expect users to get that updated file.

Yes FTB is even in the new Curse Voice beta client Their new client that is an integrated games platform and voice chat client. if you would care to download it to poke at it to be able to check out directory structures.