Mineos: error (spawn error)

Ive looked at a few threads here and cant seem to find even the log files.
Thats not good.

I have a box with 18.04 installed and have been following the wiki to install.
When I get to the last step:

supervisorctl start mineos

It throws me this error.
I have then tried to see if I can see the logs, which I thought I saw it say /var/log/mineos, there is no log for this.
So I must have missed something in the instructions.
With this info, any idea on where to start then just restart the whole process, which seems to be what the other threads did when they got this error message?



I found it… I got other issues that I just fixed as I went through.

I missed these 2 lines:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y git supervisor rdiff-backup screen build-essential

And it seems to be working.
I just created a new LXD container in my server, and it all seems to be good.

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