Mineos: ERROR (spawn error) ubuntu 21.10

I have been trying to start mineos using supervisorctl start mineos and it always sends the error: mineos: ERROR (spawn error). I’ve read many other threads here and none of them have helped.

I dont have much experience with this sort of thing so if you need any more information please tell me.

I am running on a dell poweredge r230 server
using ubuntu 20.10 (followed this tutorial) I have tried installing mineos directly with the iso and also using debian 10 and 11 didnt get any further with those
I have also searched the machine for mineos.log files and couldnt find any

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi, you’ll need to install npm.
sudo apt-get install -y npm

then do the following

cd /usr/games/minecraft
sudo npm install --unsafe-perm
sudo supervisorctl start mineos

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