MineOS Database Creation help

Hey guys,

I tried hosting a server under, but that requires a lot of precious resources, which could’ve been used for Minecraft players.

I saw MineOS, and it looks really nice. However, I can’t seem to find a tutorial on adding a database, so I can hook up one of my plugins.

I would be very happy if someone could make me a short intro by explaining how some things happen, and such.

Thanks a bunch!

what you mean like sql database? if that is the case you won’t find anything like that here as its outside of the scope of MineOS as its not something integral to running a Minecraft server. I guess if you know how to set that sort of stuff already up then it wouldn’t be to hard.

MineOS Turnkey comes installed with mariadb-server, but you definitely don’t need to use Turnkey to have MineOS work with mysql/mariadb.

However, I can’t seem to find a tutorial on adding a database, so I can hook up one of my plugins.

  1. identify what Linux distro you are using, and what package manager that uses
  2. install the mariadb-server package (different names via yum, dnf, apt, etc.)
  3. go through installation prompts (usually mysql_secure_installation)
  4. point your plugin configurations to use the database you set up.