MineOS Bedrock Interim Solution

Hi. Do you mean upgrading your mineos server or upgrading your bedrock server?

I’d like to know how to upgrade my bedrock server. Right now it’s on 1.18.2 and I’d like to be able to upgrade to 1.19.2.

I went to Profiles and downloaded the 1.19.2 profile from Mojang.

I’m just not sure how to upgrade the server.

When I go to download the zip file I get
Cannot write to ‘bedrock-server-’ (Permission denied)
What do I do to get permission to download the zip file?

did you get it to work? i cant seem to get it.

For anyone struggling, once you’re done with getting the .jar file set in the java section and you’re trying to set the version to higher that what’s in the wrapper just follow the following directions:
You’ll need root access for this

Navigate to: /usr/games/minecraft/profiles.d/
Open bedrock-server.js
This file controls the versions you’re able to download and use in the server version section of the WebUI
Manually update the file with new sections under the var item = new profile(); line
The sections follow this pattern: XX denotes version numbers that need updating, everything else paste as is

  item['id'] = 'bedrock-server-1.XX.XX.XX';
  item['type'] = 'release';
  item['group'] = 'bedrock-server';
  item['webui_desc'] = '1.XX.XX.XX Linux x64 release';
  item['weight'] = 0;
  item['filename'] = 'bedrock-server-1.XX.XX.XX.zip';
  item['downloaded'] = fs.existsSync(path.join(profile_dir, item.id, item.filename));
  item['version'] = 0;
  item['release_version'] = '1.XX.XX.XX';
  item['url'] = 'https://minecraft.azureedge.net/bin-linux/bedrock-server-1.XX.XX.XX.zip';

Save the file after making changes.
Then stop/start the node afterwards and load the WebUI - it seemed most effective at forcing the changes.
Download the server files you wanted and set the version in your world setup screen.

Using this method I’ve successfully ran up to and connected via LAN PC - I’m still trying to get it available to my friends but I believe I’m close.

I’m trying to build a server for my two kids so they can play on their iPads. I’ve made the mistake of letting one host te server and now the other one cannot play in “their” themepark when the 2nd iPad is not turned on.

So… I’ve installed MineOS through DietPi on a RaspberryPi 4

Then I executed these commands:
cd /mnt/dietpi_userdata/mineos/serverdata/profiles/bedrock-server-wrapper/

wget https://github.com/tucks/mineos-bedrock-wrapper/blob/master/download/latest/mineos-bedrock-wrapper-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Even though the wrapper can be downloaded through MineOS’s UI. (That also did not work)

Then I’ve created a server called sandbox and used these settings:

I pressed ‘copy profile to live server files’ and ‘accept eula’ and when I press start, nothing happens.

Any idea what I am doing wrong or missing?

Hi all

Apologies; I’ve been busy with work - and will continue to be so, so responses will be late and sporadic.

I’ve noticed that copying profiles is not robust in mineos and this is likely what you are observing rather than a specific for the bedrock server. I have had to force browser cache reloads, switch servers back and forth and press copy multiple times (though it can indeed all be done on the CLI and editing server.properties in the server folder). Certainly progress feedback is not provided.YMMV here.

So really, you’re not doing anything wrong; mineos is not supporting a great user experience around this aspect.

Note to people on this thread; don’t use the github project directly. This is now integrated into mineos.

I am pondering whether it is worthwhile providing a better ‘get the latest’ method for bedrock as currently it requires manual patching for each release.

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I appreciate your response, thanks.

Tried again, multiple times. Got something working now… at least a log is running:

[22:34:45] sh: 1: ./bedrock_server: Exec format error
[22:34:45] mineos-bedrock-wrapper stopped Bedrock dedicated server...

Hopefully you find this message. I have been trying multiple times in various methods and I keep getting the below error. What issues could it be as I feel my permissions all look good.
I am running mineos in truenas 13 core. I have it in a jail. I can run other servers no issues. jdk 17

[22:46:06] sh: ./bedrock_server: Exec format error
[22:46:06] mineos-bedrock-wrapper stopped Bedrock dedicated server…
[22:48:53] mineos-bedrock-wrapper starting Bedrock dedicated server…
[22:48:53] sh: ./bedrock_server: Exec format error
[22:48:53] mineos-bedrock-wrapper stopped Bedrock dedicated server…


I’m unsure what CPU type your TrueNAS has.
I build and test on Intel and compile using Oracle JDK.

The executive format error appears to be associated with trying to use it on a different CPU type, but I believe TrueNAS is x86 only?

Example: https://mkyong.com/java/bash-usr-bin-java-cannot-execute-binary-file-exec-format-error/#:~:text=The%20error%20Exec%20format%20error,processor%2C%20based%20on%20x86_64%20architecture.

Have you tried building the code from the GitHub directly?

Can other devs provide any insight?

I’ll set the expectation that I am on summer holidays so any follow up might be a very long time.