Hi there,
if anyone as notice the forgeloader has changed how it works (sort of) an now it create a run.sh file with differents parameters from before, but it does not point to a jar file in the main folder.
It can be easily lunched in ssh mode, but the web-ui will not work properly, not recognizing that the server has started.
Another thing that doesn’t work properly is that this version require jdk16 but the older ones need jdk8 so you have to switch it manually by ssh.
Can the web-ui be improved by adding a shortcut to directly run the sh command?
Can be added a menu to select wich version of java use on the server?
Has anyone found a workaround by creating a jar file to select in the web-ui to launch it?
I have tried by myself by creating a link from the one in the libraries folder and giving it the params from run.sh file but didn’t word
The webui “can” be changed to support running shell scripts, but it is unlikely to receive the coding effort required to develop and test it.
There’s almost always still a way for the servers to be run entirely within the existing functionality of mineos, as many people run forgeloader already (and merely adapt the configuration to match the sh script).
Take a look at this here for how to change an individual server to use the Java binary of your choice:
Then, see what other arguments forge tries to add, and put them into the webui via xmx, xms, and the additional parameters input.
hi there, thanks for the replay
i already used the feature to change the java version for each modpack, the problem is for the argument to lunch the pack in the web-ui:
the forgemod version 1.17 does not create a jar file in the main directory, but creates different files.
the run.sh script contains
and this file can be passed directly in the form “Additional Jar arguments”, but my real problem is wich jar should i select? my first try was to create a link with the forge-universal.jar at …\libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.17.1-37.0.109 but no luck with it
(i really don’t know what “$@” does)
any suggestion?
offtopic question, is normal that i can’t download forge profile directly from the web-ui? i have read on the github page that has been fixed