List of Forge server Jar's?

Also, what is the possibility/ETA of getting this over to FreeNAS?

TY Donnie

I don’t maintain the FreeNAS plugin–though the author does frequent these Forums. Unfortunately, I’m unable to provide any timeframes for when the MineOS plugins will be updated and I don’t know enough about plugin dev to really look into it much myself.

That said, is there a reason that the FreeNAS plugins’ git repository couldn’t just be updated to match the current dev that happens daily?

with versions prior to mineos-nodes (when it was based on php, plugin versions 9.3.2 and earlier) you could run the command ‘service mineos update’

however, with that being said, i don’t know how the new mineos-nodes is going to handle having that command run. so use this at your own risk, and i would suggest backing up your servers before doing so.

It came out that it wasn’t updating due to a changed file due to the setup script. Joshua found the issue and is planning on patching the script when he gets a moment.