ISO file breaking flash drives

Hi! after I flash mineos ISO file on my flash disk, none of my computers can recognize that disk. Does anyone have any idea why?

thanks for any info.

Not all ISO-> Flash drive operations are equal.

To that end, you probably can succeed with a different application. I myself use Balena Etcher.

That one app aside, the other way to use MineOS is to not use the ISO, but use literally any other ISO from any other Linux distro, and then install the MineOS webui.

Thanks! I already installed it on a debian server, Im kind of new to this stuff, so sorry if I say something dumb, I just can’t log into the WebUI, but I already saw some threads on it, so I will look it up.

There is no stupid questions only stupid answers :slight_smile:

alr I found the solution for my newer problem, it was in thread Installing MineOS on Debian 11 , thanks everyone! Im so excited to host my server using this software! A friend of mine said it is not worth the hustle, but it absolutely is!