This error shows that the userid module isn’t being built. You can verify this by going to any non-mineos directory, such as your users’ home directory and typing npm install userid.
If this doesn’t build (and it probably won’t), it points to:
a userid bug (less likely)
a package compatibility issue with the version of nodejs you’re using (more likely).
You’re using node v0.10.31, which is a PRE-RELEASE version of NodejS, dating back to Jan 26, 2015.
I just updated node and built the userid but now im getting
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-06-19T15_21_28_806Z-debug.log
root@mineos_1:/ # npm build userid
npm ERR! path /userid/package.json
npm ERR! code ENOENT
npm ERR! errno -2
npm ERR! syscall open
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/userid/package.json’
npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
npm ERR! enoent
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2018-06-19T15_21_41_426Z-debug.log
I just reinstalled and i updatet java-jre to version 8 in the mineos jail, and it worked but then i started getting java errors after i did some dumb shit. So i reinstalled updated ti java-jre 8 and now i cant start 1.12.2 servers again. Its like i´m cursed.
There’s no dependencies of MineOS for any given server.
There’s dependencies for MineOS to just open/work. If you’re getting java errors, it’s probably better to know what those errors are and to address them directly, rather than handle dependencies for MineOS which may already be satisfied.
That’s because you’re still running Node 0.10.x. You need a newer version of node.
I understand you’ve attempted to download a newer version, but it does not appear to be the version that MineOS can find–is it possible you remove the conflicting version so that the newer version is the only one available?
Otherwise, you might consider a distribution that isn’t FreeNAS + plugin (I didn’t create the plugin).
Well i tried pkg delete node after reinstalling the plugin but it couldnt find any node installation. So i used pkg install node and i got the exact same error.
Well, at this point I’d encourage you to explore ideas that don’t involve using pkg for installing node (such as ports or pre-compiled binaries), or using a different distro for MineOS.
Node 0.10 is just too old. It would be unreasonable to support a piece of software that was released in March 2013–the API is too old and surely it would be lowly performant and buggy to still use pre-release software when there has been well over 5 years of mature development.
All the problems you’re running into are linked to using MineOS as a FreeNAS plugin (again, the only way MineOS is distributed that is unofficial.)