I am trying to open a new port inthe firewall idk how to pls help

Its rlly confusing I am trying to open a new port inthe firewall idk how to pls help… its kinda weird nothing shows

This is explained here: https://minecraft.codeemo.com/mineoswiki/index.php?title=Iptables

Withoug more information about what you have tried, the results, logs or screenshots we’re not really able to help

iptabes doesnt work when i type it in i have tried many things and its not working

so basically whats happening is i got putty and i linked it via ssh and i logged in with mc and my password but when i type in the command it doesnt work it says iptables not found

/sbin/iptables --list
Also, you have to be a root user to use iptables. The mc user can’t use it. I can’t recall the root user password so I’m a bit screwed. The rules themselves are stored here:
you can use nano or vi to edit the files, but again, you have to be root to save any changes. you then have to restart the firewall/iptable service or reboot the server.