How to port forward?

I’m familiar with what port forwarding is. I also am aware that I need to port forward the default port of 25565. Are there any other ports i need to open? Is there any additional settings or firewalls i need to disable? Much appreciated :slight_smile:

If you want to access the WebUI, Webmin or console externally, then you will need allow ports 8443, 12331, and 22 (respectfully.) Those are just the default. Any other additional server ports will need to be opened as well, but also needs to be add in the iptables.

Keep in mind that this will be less secure.

I would recommend changing your default ssh port to something else if you don’t want random connections attempting to connect to you. You can read this guide here:

Scroll down to “3. Configuring SSH”

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What is on port 12331, if I may ask? Since I haven’t seen that one in the iptables.

That was a typo, it should be port 12321. And that is for Turnkey’s Webmin interface.