Hi there!
I’ve installed Ubuntu 17.10 and got it working finally. (Getting stuck after running fsck)
Now, what commands do I use to install MineOS on it? I don’t need an FTP server or a SSH server has I already have once configured. I also have Oracle’s Java 8 installed too.
I’ve used MineOS Turnkey for many months before but now I’m trying it out on Ubuntu.
Thanks guys,
February 12, 2018, 3:01pm
Hi there, thanks for a response.
Do I run all of those commands then on that page in order?
Mostly concerned about the "Installing Dependencies " Section - apt-get or node 4.x ?
February 12, 2018, 3:44pm
Yep. Start at the top and work yourself downwards (after a complete readthrough first off course)
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On a new account now.
Was installing everything - then it says run “minecraft” which isn’t even a command.
Here’s what I’ve ran:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | bash - apt-get -y (needed to install curl)
install nodejs
apt-get update apt-get -y install -y git rdiff-backup screen build-essential
openjdk-8-jre-headless (no such command)
mkdir -p /usr/games
cd /usr/games
git clone https://github.com/hexparrot/mineos-node.git
minecraft (no command)
cd minecraft (no directory)
Please help.
Note the command:
git clone https://github.com/hexparrot/mineos-node.git minecraft
cd minecraft
You’re splitting off the ‘minecraft’ part from the git clone