How do i create a hexxit mineos server?

as the title says how do i create a mineos hexxit server?

ok. I will try. look for the minecraft version of the modpack, then you can create the profile for that forge version then create a server accept the eula and and start it - it will stop shortly -

Look on the Hexxit page for a server download. Copy over the relevent folders using the ftp client of your choice into the server folder.

you have to choose right jar file the first one will be an install jar choose the correct forge server jar… Start the server in the webui.

You may want to look at the server properties. Check the logs all that to see if it is working the way you want. Gotchas are that any special config folders have to match case - and they may not be correct and you ahve to check the config folders to see if you have any problems.

Its fun almost as fun as playing the game

In some cases, more! I haven’t played more than 5 minutes of Minecraft since the 1.0 release!