It’s allways worth it to upgrade the WebUI.
But for running bukkit/spigot: Just start with a vanilla server, and play that one untill a successfull build is possible.
It’s allways worth it to upgrade the WebUI.
But for running bukkit/spigot: Just start with a vanilla server, and play that one untill a successfull build is possible.
Will do then.
Updating seems easy enough.
Hope to see Spigot to fix the BuildTools…
According to this forum post :
they have released a version for 1.11, but not for default build, which may be why MineOS faults on trying to build that version. MineOS tries to build the latest version without version info, since it assumes that is the default version. Buildtools is not configured yet to build 1.11 by dfeault.
But looking at their Jenkins page the latest Buildtools i over a month old:, wich do not soud right according to a recent build release…
And if it faults on a default build, it should not fail on a earlier version build where the version is specified…
There is weirdness here…
Indeed it does - huh…
Just updating my WebUI - seems alright.
There seems to be some chagne in the buildtools, or a minor bug that comes around when a newer version is available but not default while trying to use buildtools.
You can do it manually though:
to do so you need to have buildtools.jar in your server directory.
It may be copied from its profile location: /var/games/minecraft/profiles/BuildTools-latest/
I think you may need the latest minecraft server jar as well
location (if downloaded through profiles): /var/games/minecraft/profiles/1.11/
Through SSH (mc user is enough) enter your server directory:
cd /var/games/minecraft/servers/your server name/
run the following command:
java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.11
Then Wait untill it is done. It takes a while
When done, open WebUI, and the file "craftbukkit-1.11.jar should appear in your runnable jar dropdown menu in your server status.
Okie dokie - I just ran this from the update page:
cd /usr/games/minecraft
git fetch
git merge origin/master
npm install
I ran that because:
Did not work. I am now on WebUI version d9a604b - LATEST! Woohie!
Would of attempting, like a silly person, running BuildTools.jar of damaged MineOS? Will I need to re-install? Would it of used diskspace? I’m more than happy to re-install…’s site for learing to navigate and use the shell (SSH / Terminal):
I got FileZilla and PuTTY installed on my access machine - it’s working! Huzzar!
Nope. Only thing that happends is that Buildtools fails to run, since it lacks information to finish.
Alright - thanks!
I’ve actually re-installed it anyways - it’s easy enough to do - I’ve also re-installed the WebUI updates etc
Using PuTTY and FileZilla deny my MC & Root passwords, even though the actuall console allows them…
If you run a standard MineOS Node (turnkey) installation the MC user should work. If you, however, install MineOS on top of another linux distro, you have to look at the user rights of the MC user. Do the MC user have the rights to connect remotely?
Got it working, just needed to change the passwords
If you used one of the ISO’s from this wikipage:
SSH and SFTP access (and the MC user) should come preconfigured. There should be no need to run any commands.
Root access should be denied by default for remote conenctions and are recommended that stay that way. You can use SUDO to use root commands, and SU to connect to the root user.
So. What error message do you get when trying to log in using putty? Are you sure you are using the right password? When putty asks for user, type “mc” then supply the mc users password.
It turns out that I must’ve been typing it wrong or something, I used “passwd” to change both MC and ROOT account passwords and it worked.