[FEATURE] server.config page should have'profile' as dropdown list

When I open the server.config page for a server to change the profile used, the ‘profile’ box is just a text box. Would be nice if it was a dropdown menu of the profiles configured in MineOS. Makes it less error prone.

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In general, would be nice to do this for all properties so that the web-ui behaviour acts the same in the server edit screens as it does in the server create screens.

BTW, really enjoying using this.

I agree–it would definitely be better if a user were spared the need to actually type in the profile name and just allowed to use a dropdown. However, because of unfortunate technical limitations (certainly that existed when I first coded it, and perhaps still even now), having the textbox replaced with a dropdown I wasn’t able to figure out. The issue laid in server.properties and server.config being dynamically generated (rather than static, like the “create” page).

In the upcoming webui, the manual nature of profiles will be entirely alleviated, but it seems unlikely that I’ll make this change retroactively to the 0.6.x webui you’re currently using.

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