Error with plug-in startup

That’s okay! I was learning about puttygen and SSH keys so I’m getting better I think. Still cant figure out how to get the logs :confused:

EDIT: the .jar(s) I’m using seem to be the issue

EDIT2: wait maybe Im a moron

EDIT3: nope still not working. I found the forge jar but I still can’t get anything to work. It also wont make a log for the non vanilla profiles

hi Hugemike,

i hope you will keep trying and keep checking back. fresh eyes, fresh mind etc. oh, and coffee.

important log locations:
MineOS log: /var/log/mineos.log
Minecraft server log: /var/games/minecraft/servers/servername/logs/latest.log

this log you posted was correct and indicated you had an incompatible node",“version”:“v0.10.31” showing why you could not get that server started.

not correct, i think. your new server may not be starting but i doubt it is because of the same problem. it might be, so some more details are required to confirm.

  1. the logs do show a failed load and we need to view them.
  2. what hardware are you using. old laptop, old pc, actual server rasberry pi, etc. and the specs, arm cpu, intel, how much ram etc.

in the meantime, it has happened that some wrong files are included in what gets d/l from the profiles menu.

so i will create a new server here and attempt to build a “”,“version”:“1.10.2”.

in fact that might be the issue right there and i will confirm if having a .zip makes any difference or if a .jar is required.

i will report results here shortly.

best regards,


I’m not even running freeNAS anymore, I research what you said earlier and got the MineOS as the main system on my server, I recently went out and bought a bunch of cost effective bits and pieces of hardware of and Asus motherboard, Intel pic, radeon (I think) eight core processor, 16gb of ram, and a 2tb hard drive. Again vanilla works just fine but I would rather play modded

yes, i understood that already. we are now working on why the new mc server won’t start. (still would like to see the logs).

it looks like you are not underpowered in the hardware area.

one issue i have already had in my new FTB server build is the profile download was not completed but it showed as downloaded. so i have had to d/l it again.

by the way, what ftb client (what is used to enter the ftb server) do you intend to use?

best regards,


EDIT: it is also of note and very unexpected that my MineOS WebUI has crashed twice now while d/l the FTB profile.

hi Hugemike,

ok, there is something wrong going on with this ftb beyond version. it will not start here either.

looking at my own logs now so that will take some time.

i will end up trying to downgrade the ftb beyond version to see if that will work as intended out of the box.

keep trying!


EDIT: log file where the start button is pressed, server status goes green for a short time, then goes red with a server down notification:

{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[WEBUI] mc connected from",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:13.729Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:14.442Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock_1] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:14.932Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock_2] mc ( joined server namespace",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:14.932Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (6038 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:15.196Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock_1] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (540 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:15.511Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[Skyblock_2] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (2344 bytes)",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:15.727Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] issued command : “modify_sc”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:43.936Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] received request “modify_sc”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:43.937Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] issued command : “modify_sc”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:47.335Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] received request “modify_sc”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:47.336Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] issued command : “start”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:48.728Z”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:"[FTBBeyond] received request “start”",“timestamp”:“2017-03-18T12:53:48.730Z”}

ok, confirmed.

the issue on my server is the profile failed to down load completely.

so of course the server will not start.

trying to get a d/l.

take care.


hi Hugemike,

so to sum up, i am able to d/l a different version of FTB and the server works so it is clear the FTBBeyond-1.1.0 is corrupted. i do not know why because just the other day, in another thread they reported this d/l as working.

so i guess choose another ftb to play with for a while until the 1.1.0 is fixed.

best regards,


EDIT: to clarify the corruption in the d/l may be on my end and have nothing to do with the files host. never the less, the MineOS WebUI crashed twice while d/l that file and then correctly d/l the previous version of the same file.

UPDATE: 3rd d/l was only 70% and the webui crashed. the 4th d/l was 100% and the webui did not crash. now trying to start the server.

UPDATE 2: server will not start. logfile report says: MissingModsException: Mod bitdrawers (Drawers & Bits) requires [chiselsandbits@[11.6,)

the mod provided with FTBBeyond-1.1.0 is chiselsandbits-12.12.jar

the issues continue…

UPDATE 3: FTBBeyond-1.0.1 works fine. i guess this is a FTBBeyond-1.1.0 issue not a MineOS issue. i tried to replace, mix and/or match mods, no luck yet.

UPDATE LAST: FTBBeyond-1.1.0 working fine. traced the issue to a corrupted d/l again. SFTP logged on as root, deleted corrupted profile, log out, d/l again and worked without issues.

it seemed by leaving the corrupted d/l’ in place caused later d/l to also corrupt. removing it allowed a fresh d/l. i guess.

I’m still trying to figure out a lot of the command prompt stuff, I have a sftp link open (actually it’s psftp because I’m using putty if that makes a difference) so if my remote working directory is /root where are the files for the servers located? I think I know how to change directory and delete the files but I’m not very good at navigating yet.
EDIT: And do I need to set up an SSH key? if so I have a key but I don’t know how to give it to my server…

I’ll let @tNt handle your FTB problems,as he is our resident expert on that.

Linux directory structure:
There are several tutorials online on linux direcotry structure, and how to navigate them, like this one:

Location for important MineOS files are:

  • /usr/game/minecraft/ <-- MineOS main files. This is where all the files that has anything with MineOS itself are plased, exept for one…

  • /var/log/ <-- home of all system logs from the linux system, and mineos.log. mineos.log is the log of MineOS it self, and gives you data about MineOs’ behaviour

  • /var/games/minecraft/ <-- MineOS places (And looks for) all game realted files here. This is divided into [archive], [backup], [import], [profiles] and [servers]

Description of those sub folders:

archive : Containint all archive copies created by MineOS
backup : Containing all backups created by MineOS
import : directory you place the minecraft server archive files you wish to import as a new server
profiles : repository for all profiles you have downloaded
servers : Where MineOS places all active minecraft servers and their files.

To end of this with a warning:
If you log in and do anything as (or with) the root user. Stop doing that. You need the root user only for updating your OS or updating MineOS. If you need elevated rights for a command use the “sudo” (Super User DO) command in front of the command you wish to use. The MineOS ISO’s comes with a standard user available, the “mc” user. Using root will always lead to unexpected and unpredictable behaviour.

Thank you for the help :smiley: I actually found winscp when looking online which solved my navigation issue, but I had to be root to delete the files.

EDIT: It’s staying up!!!

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hi Hugemike,

For The Win! congratulations!

now we know why they call you…er… um… put that thing away and stop playing with it lol.

anyway, thanks for the update.


Hello, i am right know installing my mineos debian plugin and it misses alot of .py files can someone tell me where to download these or how to fix my problem. Thanks!