Custom Mod Pack / Launching From Gui

So, I’m trying to install All The Mods 3. I searched and found a forums post which stated that I had to download, import via the webui [creating a server name, etc], chmod +x, sh etc, etc. But I can’t control it from the Web-GUI, so I’m thinking I’ve done something wrong as it was an old post I copied from. I even tried connecting (while I had the shell window open) and I couldn’t connect.

So, here is the base question, I want to install All The Mods 3 from curse (can provide the link on request) and use the Web-GUI to control it. What steps should I do to achieve this? I have SSH access, I have everything running the way I want, etc. I can putty in, and I can FileZilla in.

Can someone give me the steps to get this to work. Thanks.

Edit1, so, I went to the GUI, and changed the runnable Jar to Forge, and changed the heapsizes and I was able to Start, I am watching the logs now to see if it completed and I’m able to connect.

Edit 2, it says it’s running, although I can’t connect over a local network, I’ve tried my IP with and withough :25565 at the end and it won’t detect it.

Edit 3, found this

and got it all working.

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