Hello again. I wanted to ask what the current state of PocketMine running on MineOS is.
After I got a standard Minecraft server working with custom maps/adventures, the nieces/nephews show up with a bunch of iPhones and iPads which is what they play Minecraft on. So I had had initially needed to setup a PocketMine server that they could all connect to, not the standard PC server.
So like a post below (like a year ago), I am running MineOS as a plugin on a FREENAS system. I see the options in MineOS for PocketMine 980 profile with a runnable 1.4.1 jar, but the server will not run. I read some other threads that a lot has been changed with the updates to php7 and things might be sitting broken.
So after failing to get MineOS running a PocketMine server, I read somewhere where a fellow ran his own instance of just PocketMine within its own jail. So I set out to do that.
I compiled/installed php7.0.7 with ZTS enabled and phar70 from source and downloaded the PocketMine-MP and start.sh and bash but when I try to run it, it gives an error of “unable to find pthreads extension. Please use the installer provided on the homepage.”
Now most replies in numerous threads concerning the same error indicate that “the installer did not install right, just reinstall” but the installer has not ran yet really. It simply doesn’t run.
So this is where I ask what the current state of PocketMine running on MineOS is. I read another post where it was recommended to run MineOS node if you’re wanting to run PE servers but was unsure if the MineOS plugin in FREENAS running within its on jail is the same thing as MineOS node or if they are different things entirely.
I went on to try Imagical server within MineOS as that was listed in a thread to still be working with a certain phar, but the link to the phar was dead. Most of these posts I have looked at regarding PocketMine is over a year old (I might be looking in the wrong place? >_<) so this is why I wanted to ask if it’s still possible to run PocketMine servers in MineOS.
This person seemed to have done exactly what I was trying to do but SVN would not cooperate with me, so there’s a part of me that believes it should be possible. (Hope it’s ok to post links, sorry if not) https://rickvanderzwet.nl/trac/personal/wiki/FreeBSDPocketMine
As always, thanks for any input, help or direction and thanks for the great tool that is MineOS.