CRON jobs not working? [git f821f64, 6/10/22]

CRON Jobs not working

WebUI git version: f821f64
MineOS Install Type: Turnkey
Date: June 10th, 2022

Okay so if I am right the CRON is acting weird, sometimes it will work and sometimes it won’t.

This works…

How to replicate

  1. Add this as a CRON Job:
    */1 * * * *” with the option Send to Console and the command say Hi


This should send the console say Hi every minute


It sends to the console say Hi every minute

But this doesn’t works…

How to replicate

  1. Add this as a CRON Job:
    0 */12 * * *” with the option Restart


This should restart the server every 12 hours



Neither Restart nor Send to Console works when trying to run something X amount of hours.
Also as I write this, I don’t think anything works when the hour is set to something. Like “34 18 * * *(This would run at 6:34 PM)

Also when clicking the (?) it takes you to, however, this NPM page has nothing on it O.o? IDK why…
I think that it was a me issue…

I’m having this issue and thought to report it :slight_smile:

Thank You to all who make this program :D