Create Profile for FTB DW20 1.7.10

Has anyone had any success building a profile for later versions of a DW20 server? I’m not sure which file I should be using, and the is doing a check I don’t understand. As well, there is now a server installer shell file. Should I be using this?

Any advice to get me off the ground would be appreciated.

There are a number of server suites that require more work than simply downloading a jar file (which is ideal!).

In short, if it requires building steps beyond “downloading a jar” or “downloading a zip and unzipping it”, you typically want to hold off creating a profile until you confirm you have a working jarfile.

What you’d do instead is download the jar/zip file to your desktop computer. From there, check the instructions provided by the author. Can you provide, for example, for us to peruse?

The start script will tell us what the author needs to do in order to get the server running, and it may itself be split into discrete steps of ‘building’ and ‘running’.

Once you get to the point where you recognize the exact server jar that can be run (and have it downloaded), we can make a profile. Depending on it’s complexity, it may be a simple “unmanaged” profile;

In which case, you’d make a profile like this:

(the names would obviously be different). You would then put the completed jar and any dependent files into that directory. If you named the profile “ftbdw20”, that means all required files go into /var/games/minecraft/profiles/ftbdw20. and jarfile_to_run would match whatever you figured out in the earlier step.

Hi Will,

Thanks for your help. Here is the code for them the file:

 if [ ! -f minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar ]; then
    echo "running install script!"
 echo "make sure to read eula.txt before playing!"
 java -server -Xms2048m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar FTBServer-1.7.10-1231.jar nogui

To get it running on my Windows machine, all I had to do was launch the .bat version of the same For comparison to the .sh I’ve included the .bat here:

if NOT EXIST minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar (
    echo "running install script!"
	call FTBInstall.bat
echo "make sure to read eula.txt before playing!"
java -server -Xms2048m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar FTBServer-1.7.10-1231.jar nogui

Since is referenced in the BASH command, I’ve included it below as well.

libraries\wget.exe -O minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar
libraries\wget.exe -O libraries\net\minecraft\launchwrapper\1.11\launchwrapper-1.11.jar

So you’re trying to run the Sh script?
All you need to do is run the jar with those arguments. Also looks like you’d need to minecraft jar in the same directory.

So in profile setup this

Jar to run - FTBServer-1.7.10-1231.jar

Then use these in arguments -
-server -Xms2048m -Xmx3072m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC nogui

Thanks ElPres. It seems to go through the motions of starting the server now. Howerver, I seem to have block matching issues. I think this new issue relates to Forge.

Thank you both for getting me this far. I’ll see what the Forge forums can do for my block mismatches.

Thank you both. I’ve had a lot of mixed success starting modded servers, and now that I understand the Unmanaged profile, my results are far more consistent. See below for the steps I follow now, if you’re interested in seeing what made my modded life much more predictable.

Being the noob to linux that I am, I struggle starting a profile from scratch on linux. I never know if the error is due to an O/S issue or the many issues which can manifest with modded minecraft servers. This thread has been a blessing, and I suggest that all MineOS noobs wanting to set up forge servers read this thread.

The other thing I’ve learned, in order to compensate for my lack of linux knowledge, run the modded server in a Windows environment first. By doing so, I can eliminate O/S issues straight away. This reduces my troubleshooting focus to only the complexities of starting the modded server. I then ftp the entire server folder into the appropriate directory in my MineOS structure. By this point, I know the Minecraft server works, since it ran in my Windows environment. Now, all I have to deal with are any issues with the linux O/S.

To set up a new forge profile and create a new server from it, I:

  1. Create a forge server profile using the Unmanaged profile creation
  2. Create the profile’s directory manually in
    /var/games/minecraft/profiles/<profilename> using an ftp client or PuTty
  3. Add the forge .jar file (for later versions of forge you should also
    include the vanilla server .jar as well as the config, libraries,
    and scripts directories)
  4. Create a new server using MineOS GUI, selecting the Forge server profile (created above)
  5. Check that the directory was created in
    /var/games/minecraft/servers/, create manually if necessary.
  6. Build the modpack and get a server running successfully on your
    familiar Windows environment
  7. ftp the modpack’s entire server directory (optionally exclude the
    world folder for a fresh start) onto the MineOS machine in
    /var/games/minecraft/servers/<servername>. At minimum you must
    include the following directories:
  8. launch the server in MineOS GUI

This has been very useful. I feel stupid for not realizing that unmanaged was a valid option. This will help with the new Curse Client packs that do not have direct download links.

I am still having one problem. Please feel free to smack me if I missed this elsewhere. When I FTP into the server, I don’t have permission to change root-level folders. Specifically, Profiles. And though I’ve double checked my login info, I cannot FTP as root. I know I must be missing something with permissions somewhere. Anyone able to point out where?


If you come up with additional–and more importantly–unlinked issues and questions, don’t be afraid to start a new question for it, so that the question header and content can better be found by future guests.

As far as root-level, it’s more general than that: root-owned folders cannot be touched, even, by your mc user.

I didn’t indicate that when you sign in via PuTtY or FTP to do so under your mc profile while working with the directories within /var/games/minecraft. If you login using the root, or even an admin account that allows sudo commands, your mc profile will not be able to write into the folders you’ve created. And since MineOS is executing as mc, you’ll run into permissions based errors on launch.

Apologies for my omission.