Connection from Internet

Hello guys,

I’m new here and have a problem with connections from the web. The server is running on a second pc, I can join the server from my main system, no probs. But I don’t understand HOW my friend can join the server.

Do I have to find out my IP-adress and give it to him so he can log in or how do I do it?
I’m from Germany, the provider is unitymedia and I have a netgear wndrmacv2.
Please help


You have, as you yourself state, to find your own external IP-adress;

This however is not enough. You also have to tell your gateway (usually your [wirelsess[ router) to send external requests to the right computer on the internal network. It goes under a set of settings called “port forwarding”:

The default minecraftport is 25565

Good morning,

thanks for your quick reply.
I’ve already done that, but without a Static IP. I’ll try this and come again.



I gave the server a static ip and wrote my IP in the in webUI. The server won’t even stay up for half a minute. Also the portforwarding doesn’t work either.

Don’t do this–this will make your server not work.

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Hey there,

so back to, Server is stable now and I can connect via 192.168… and via external IP from my second Pc. Now I’ll test it friends and hope it works.

EDIT: Giving the server-pc a Stativ IP did the trick . Thank you very much!