Can't Start Server Through WebUI

I just installed MineOS and every time I try to start a server I get this error:

Missing value in command_start: {‘java_debug’: ‘’, ‘jar_args’: ‘’, ‘java’: None, ‘screen_name’: ‘mc-oofers’, ‘java_xmx’: ‘6000’, ‘jar_file’: ‘/var/games/minecraft/servers/oofers/minecraft_server.1.11.jar’, ‘screen’: None, ‘java_xms’: 6000, ‘java_tweaks’: ‘’}

Anyone else have this issue?
EDIT: My brain isn’t working right now and I completely forgot to mention that I installed the webui onto a clean install of ubuntu.

Java isn’t found. Did you install Java–or when doing so, did you check if any errors arose?

Ok, that was you witnessing first hand my brain malfunctioning. I did not install java facepalm. But it still gives me a similar error with it installed (java has a directory now though).

Missing value in command_start: {‘java_debug’: ‘’, ‘jar_args’: ‘’, ‘java’: ‘/usr/bin/java’, ‘screen_name’: ‘mc-oofers’, ‘java_xmx’: ‘6000’, ‘jar_file’: ‘/var/games/minecraft/servers/oofers/minecraft_server.1.11.jar’, ‘screen’: None, ‘java_xms’: 6000, ‘java_tweaks’: ‘’}

I got it, had to install screen. I didn’t realize that was a dependency.

Well I mean, it does say “dependency” under the apt-get section of the official installation guide, and the whole thing is pretty much just copy and paste.

Screen wasn’t on that list though.

Nah it’s there, it’s pretty much always been there (I know that personally as I’ve seen it too many times to count over the past few years), I mean the current NodeJS version’s instructions basically were originally pretty much a clone of the older Python version’s instructions (minus the Python related stuff, plus the NodeJS stuff) which also made use of screen so there’s absolutely no way it wasn’t there, really it must’ve just been overlooked being that copying and pasting would’ve included it; at least you’ve got it working now though.

If it is there, the install must not have worked because I copied and pasted every command on there.

Nah, from experience if something doesn’t exist or fails to properly install it will simply just abort right where the failure happened and let you know what happened and/or why typically.

There’s no “if”, though. It’s very simply verifiable:

apt-get install -y git supervisor rdiff-backup screen build-essential
apt-get -y install default-jre-headless

  • This page was last modified on 30 August 2018, at 12:10.

That isn’t on the Ubuntu page:

Yes it is.

Oh then yeah it just didn’t work because I put all of those commands in

So, did you put all of those commands in manually or did you copy and paste every command?

This is an end-user error/mistake, bottom line, especially with no one else ever having this happen to them.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean. To me copy and pasting each command is the same thing as putting all of the commands in manually.

Well, copy pasting is just that: copy, paste.

But typing them in manually is–in a terminal session–typing in each individual command, letter-by-letter. I’m writing these original sentences letter-by-letter, for example.

All that aside, I hope we can at least all agree that the steps for installation are all present–and have been–since your first attempt.

It’s no biggie–it really isn’t, but it seems more likely that just as you forgot Java, you potentially forgot other lines as well.

apt-get install -y git supervisor rdiff-backup screen build-essential

It’s possible that numerous packages in this line are already installed by default, e.g., git. Your initial post showed that Java and screen were missing, and it’s possible that the other dependencies are missing as well (explanation: it was just simply missed).

So the fact that you haven’t received any rdiff-backup or supervisor errors isn’t indicative that “all is well”. It just means you haven’t used the functionality that requires it, and therefore haven’t seen the error.

I really recommend you go over the installation process again. There is no danger to repeatedly executing the installation steps because you’re at the point where all the configuration is default, anyway.


Ok, thanks for the help! Now I just need to get my ftp server working. For some reason I kept getting errors when trying to install, gonna look around for answers tomorrow.

It is recommended you don’t install an FTP server, but instead use the already-installed SFTP server that exists (and uses the exact same client, e.g., filezilla).

SFTP works on port 22 and uses the exact same credentials as your linux users.

Look up openssh-server for more details.

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