I have since been able to start a server with version 1.12.2 but not 1.13 - 1.13.2. I’m not sure if the .jar file is corrupted or not, but for whatever reason, it won’t allow me to delete the .jar files so I can re-download them to see if that may be the issue.
Updating the Webui is and has been the fix for MineOS with Minecraft 1.13/1.13.X Server jars for the longest actually, since July.
Many of you have noticed Minecraft no longer launching vanilla version 1.13 since it has released. This is because Mojang has changed their URL pattern they have historically kept for many, many releases.{0}/minecraft_server.{0}.jar
This URL used to work, for pretty much every modern version since their 1.0 …
I guess it’s worth a shot to attempt updating via the “normal” official methods however I have no idea whether that would actually work or not or whether that would require something custom.
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