Can't start mineos! Plz help

Hello! I have a problem I done everything as in wiki here:
But when I try to start it doesn’t work. Maybe you guys can help me?
I do it like this:
root@user:/usr/games/minecraft# supervisorctl start mineos
mineos: ERROR (no such file)
root@user:/usr/games/minecraft# supervisorctl start mineos.js
mineos.js: ERROR (no such process)

I have a file names mineos.js

supervisor doesn’t run Node itself, so let’s start with your issues in order:

Most likely the init file isn’t in place. Did you remember to do this command?

cp init/supervisor_conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mineos.conf

Check that the file exists:

ls /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mineos.conf

And regarding this:

root@user:/usr/games/minecraft# supervisorctl start mineos.js

You won’t expect this to work, but you could expect node webui.js to work, because mineos.js is not an executable script.