Can't import from Desktop save


I am trying to run a vanilla minecraft server for a family member on my server (via a Docker container) and am running into an issue importing a world from a desktop save (Windows).

What we’ve done is created a .zip file from the folders in the desktop save location, used the Import function in the Mineos GUI. I am able to get the server running, but it appears to create a “default” world of sorts and does not actually import the saved world. I’ve been trying to follow the wiki, but haven’t figured out what the issue is.

Is what I’m trying to do impossible? Or am I missing something? Not sure what other details I should provide.


Hm, try making a new server via MineOS, just like a brand new 1.15.1 version (I’m assuming you use this minecraft version because it’s the latest one, though I could be wrong) and then after you’ve set it up and started it, FTP (or SFTP) into the server, go to: /var/games/minecraft/servers/yournewservername and then just delete the three new worlds and paste the ones from your old server into it. After that, start the server again and it should be up and running with the old world

Personally when I build a server pack I start it on my computer and when I have everything done and it works, I then move it to MineOS. I first just make a new server through the webui and only name it. I then connect to the server with FTP and go to where the servers are (/var/games/minecraft/servers) and go into the server I just make and on my pc I go to where I have the server files and just copy and replace when asked. Then when that finishes copying I refresh the webui and start the server.