Bungeecord not working? but starting

Installed latest release of Bungeecord, using an unmanaged profile.

Webui shows it starts, and uses memory, but it does not show up in my server list.

Here’s the BG config file…


  • admin
  • disabledcommandhere
    player_limit: 70
    stats: 2b0bca88-9f0c-47c5-bd59-4ba7a6b7748c
    • bungeecord.command.server
    • bungeecord.command.list
    • bungeecord.command.alert
    • bungeecord.command.end
    • bungeecord.command.ip
    • bungeecord.command.reload
  • query_port: 25565
    motd: ‘&1Another Bungee server’
    tab_list: GLOBAL_PING
    query_enabled: false
    pvp.md-5.net: pvp
    ping_passthrough: false
    default_server: Lobby
    bind_local_address: true
    fallback_server: ScrufLand3
    max_players: 1
    tab_size: 30
    force_default_server: true
    timeout: 30000
    connection_throttle: 4000
    motd: ‘&1ScrufLand3 MOTD’
    address: localhost:25566
    restricted: false
    motd: ‘MusicLand MOTD’
    address: localhost:25568
    restricted: false
    motd: ‘Lobby MOTD’
    address: localhost:25567
    restricted: false
    ip_forward: false
    online_mode: true

and here’s the console…

04:38:52 [INFO] Using OpenSSL based native cipher.
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_alert, file=modules/cmd_alert.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_find, file=modules/cmd_find.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_list, file=modules/cmd_list.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_send, file=modules/cmd_send.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_server, file=modules/cmd_server.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=reconnect_yaml, file=modules/reconnect_yaml.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [WARNING] Forced host server pvp is not defined
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:52 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.8-SNAPSHOT:“cd15b82”:1028 by SpigotMC
04:38:53 [INFO] Listening on localhost/
04:41:30 [INFO] ?cCommand not found
04:41:32 [SEVERE] Exception in thread “main”
04:41:32 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Input/output error
04:41:32 [SEVERE] at java.io.FileInputStream.read0(Native Method)

the reboot was and 4:38

ideas or do we need more info?


changed host: to

works great.

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Glad you fixed it! You may want to take a look into changing your forced host, but anyways, please remember to use http://hastebin.com to post your logs and configs.

and how do you join your bungeecord server then? with Or what ip?

A computer with a network interface always has at least three IP addresses:

  1. - localhost, or the computer itself. Often called a loop-back address.
  2. - shared address for all interfaces. Only used to define listening. Tells the computer to listen to all interfaces.
  3. private unique IP address on you LAN using one of three IP address ranges: 10..., 192.168.., or 172.16..*. These are only uniqe on your own LAN.
  4. Public IP address on the internet. Shared address for your LAN through your gateway using NAT (Netwrok Address Translation). If your computer is not connected to the internet, you do not have this address.

So when you tell your server to listen to address, it reads it as “listen to this port at all interfaces”. Due to hardware and software config a server may have several interfaces available.

To connect to your server form your LAN you use your servers LAN ip address, from the internet you use your networks shared internet address, but only after configuring portforwarding in your gateway as you need to tell it to pass along rewuests from the internet to your internal server

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