Bedrock recent version

There are a tech reason because the last version of bedrock-server is not available for the download under profiles?

i manually download and install the last version (now ) and look it work properly with the bedrock-wrapper

it is enough to update bedrock-server.js with the new version?

mineos-node/bedrock-server.js at master · hexparrot/mineos-node (

Looks like that’ll do it.

it is enough to update bedrock-server.js with the new version?

Seems to be the case. Are you interested in making a pull request so your change can be implemented for all users of the repo?

yes i can do it in next days, i need to create a personal account on github

what i did is very “basic”, copy and paste, then change url, release_version, filename, webui_desc, id with newer version

will be great to arrange some script to automate the process, so every new version available will be automatic add to the list

The problem is that if it was a runtime script it wouldn’t get historical versions as (afaik) there is no downloadable list.
We’d have to put the profiles into a DB and seed it with a known list (such as what we have).

Sharing here that it did work to simply duplicate a release section and replace the original file’s latest version with the current/desired number, then insert into bedrock-server.js:

      var item = new profile();
      item['id'] = 'bedrock-server-';
      item['type'] = 'release';
      item['group'] = 'bedrock-server';
      item['webui_desc'] = ' Linux x64 release';
      item['weight'] = 0;
      item['filename'] = '';
      item['downloaded'] = fs.existsSync(path.join(profile_dir,, item.filename));
      item['version'] = 0;
      item['release_version'] = '';
      item['url'] = '';

      item['id'] = 'bedrock-server-';
      item['type'] = 'release';
      item['group'] = 'bedrock-server';
      item['webui_desc'] = ' Linux x64 release';
      item['weight'] = 0;
      item['filename'] = '';
      item['downloaded'] = fs.existsSync(path.join(profile_dir,, item.filename));
      item['version'] = 0;
      item['release_version'] = '';
      item['url'] = '';

One thought I had on enumerating the current/desired versions to get them into this list was to watch/check a log file for failed connections due to too new of a client… but I don’t see that in /latest.log and don’t know what other logs it might be possible to snag that from.

Might need to just scrape from periodically.