As far as I’ve been able to tell, there aren’t any additional steps required above and beyond ensuring that pam-authenticate builds in NPM, which then is automatically used (first auth attempted).
I suppose it works, i have been revising the code in auth.js, but the benefit of PAM is that you can configure it by the files in /etc/pam.d/
Almost every service has its config file in there and if you put in the corresponding config file like: auth requisite forward_pass auth required use_first_pass
then you will have two-factor authentication with Google authenticator. Its just the configurability of PAM.
I tried changing auth.js but it doesn’t seem to work either pam.authenticate(user, plaintext, function(err) { if (err) inner_callback(false); else inner_callback(user); }, {serviceName: 'mineos', remoteHost: 'localhost'});
Maybe the error isn’t in PAM but in the auth.js. With the above code i expect that PAM revokes me if i do not enter the 6-digit Google authenticator code and just enter my password.
But i guess the if then else construction then let’s me pass to the next step (shadow password): pam(function(pam_passed) { //due to the stack of different auths, a false if auth failed is largely ig$ if (typeof pam_passed == 'string') callback(pam_passed); else etc_shadow(function(etc_passed) { if (typeof etc_passed == 'string') callback(etc_passed) else posix(function(posix_passed) { if (typeof posix_passed == 'string') callback(posix_passed) else callback(false); }) })
Partially confused by the changes. According to your later change with everything commented out…weren’t those code paths already being fully ignored since you’re using PAM to start with?
No, apparently a PAM-fail went on with Shadow, which succeeds. By commenting out the else a PAM-fail will be a PAM-fail…
I will sum up the changes i made:
extra parameter to pam.authenticate: {serviceName: 'mineos', remoteHost: 'localhost'}
This looks for the mineos file in /etc/pam.d/ and uses its configuration. The localhost just points at the server itself; with PAM its possible to authenticate against a remote server. I think both extra parameters could be somewhere in the config file of Mineos.
I commented out the else of pam_passed so that a PAM-fail gives a failed login (reloads the login screen).
I installed the libpam-google-authenticator on the server and i configured the two lines in the /etc/pam.d/mineos file. There are many examples on the web how to use google-authenticator (or freeotp as you like).
To resolve point 2, maybe you can add an parameter so that the type of authentication can be configured or maybe you can just add a flag inside pam.authenticate to know that it has passed through it, so that in the if then else you can check that flag.
I would be happy to test or review the changed code before committing it.