A funny thing happened on the way to my MineOS WebUI

This worked! Joy!

Used “screen node webui.js” and refreshed the webpage and the log in screen was there.

I do not know why “node webui.js” did not work.


Ok, removed [] from admins.txt and removed username from whitelist and ops.json. I had to change use whitelist to ‘false’ so I could log in on my minecraft (TeamExtream) client, then tried:


  • Press ‘T’ to open console / chat
  • to add user to whitelist write /whitelist add UserName
  • to set user to OP write /op UserName

“You do not have permission to use this command”

This may be related to the ‘TeamExtream’ mc client as they may have configured it to disable commands.

Best regards,


For the first user you have to do it in the WebUI console.

Open the log in the WebUI, and at the bottom you can enter commands to the server.
There you do not have to have the / before the commands.

Spoke to soon, I was able to log in but the buttons did not function properly.

Will keep trying.

Have you set up port-forwarding for both ssh and your minecraft server? If so I could possibly log in and help you troubleshoot.

Another long story. Short answer, no.

In another country I had this server up and running we could all play together in multi-player mode, but I did not invite outsiders. I planned to soon but we moved house.

In my new home the modem provided by ISP hooked up and I could not connect to my server. Tried many things. Finally dug out and hooked my server up to the modem from the old country and then hooked that up to the modem from my new country surprise, it worked.

I have not looked up how to port fwd the new modem yet and even if I do I am not sure if the server can be reached through the old modem/router.

It is on my ‘to do’ list


We’re stuck in here then ;D

First off:
Your console: Still up, or crashed again?

I have looked through the Mineos.log you posted above. There are a couple of error messages at the bottom, and there are something weird there…

At the top it refers to your server as “CandCs_Challenge”. Can you confirm that this is the correct name?

The error messages at the bottom reports that MineOS cannot find a file “latest.log” with the following location:
Can you confirm that this location exists?

Right now it looks to me like you hit a bug where the underscore in the servername is removed in the path name, which makes path and server name info out of sync.

To confirm this I would like you to do the following:

  • copy all minecraft server files out of the server as a backup (we don’t want to loose to much ;D)

Remove minecraft server files:

  • In the folder /var/games/minecraft enter the three following folders, and delete the contents:
  • archive
  • backup
  • servers

This resets MineOS to a state with no active minecraft servers.

Reboot MineOS. The WebUI should now come up and stay stable.

Create a new server (do not import, create it…). Make sure you use a server name with only alpha-numerical characters (only letters and numbers, no spacing). If you need more than one word in your server name, Use capital letter for each word, but drop the space.
Since we are testing use a standard 1.9.2 server from the profiles. We can change this after the test.

Just to repeat: Back up first!

up and down, i can get it back up.

By jove I think you found it! The underscore! I missed it. It is constant through all wheezy java7 and java8 and jessie java8 servers. For whatever reason java8 is not handling it well as I can confrirm:

Doesn’t exist. /var/games/minecraft/servers/CandCsChallenge/logs/latest.log

Exists. /var/games/minecraft/servers/CandCs_Challenge/logs/latest.log

I have work now but after work I am getting right on this and will let you know. I can tell you that I do think you have solved this issue.

Thanks again :wink:



I did not start test with 1.9.2 but will shortly and may have questions regarding what forge jar to try.

I began by backing up everything of course, then deleting the server. Imported new server without and underscore in the server name.

Joy, things worked. Until they didn’t. mineos.log showed the ‘level-name’ could not be read. Smacks self in the forehead

Remove the underscore from the ‘level-name’ on the server and in the server.properties file.

Joy, things worked again, I just knew this was it. Then it wasn’t. Inspect mineos.log again, need help here:

{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Discovered server","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.496Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Created tail on logs/latest.log","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.555Z"}
{"level":"error","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Create tail on server.log failed","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.557Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Watching for file generation: server.log","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.557Z"}
{"level":"error","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Create tail on proxy.log.0 failed","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.561Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Watching for file generation: proxy.log.0","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:13.562Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[WEBUI] New file found in import directory /var/games/minecraft/import/server-CandC'sChallenge.2016-04-","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:14.139Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[WEBUI] New file found in import directory /var/games/minecraft/import/server-CandC's_Challenge_2016-04-10_15_51_36.tgz","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:14.141Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[WEBUI] New file found in import directory /var/games/minecraft/import/server-CandC's_Challenge_2016-04-13_18_28_09.tgz","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:14.141Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Starting up server, using commit: bcb4bd5 Merge pull request #182 from hexparrot/assorted_fixes\n","timestamp":"2016-04-15T14:22:15.009Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] eula.txt detected: ACCEPTED (eula=true)","timestamp":"2016-04-15T07:22:16.822Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] autostart = false","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:22:21.649Z"}
{"level":"error","message":"[CandCsChallenge] Aborted server startup; condition not met: true","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:22:21.650Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[WEBUI] mc connected from","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:50:44.499Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[WEBUI] Downloading official profiles.","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:50:44.848Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] mc ( joined server namespace","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:50:45.168Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] transmittting existing file contents: logs/latest.log (1121 bytes)","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:50:45.795Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] issued command : \"modify_sc\"","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:51:14.129Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] received request \"modify_sc\"","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:51:14.150Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] issued command : \"start\"","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:51:17.063Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[CandCsChallenge] received request \"start\"","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:51:17.064Z"}
{"date":"Fri Apr 15 2016 00:54:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)","process":{"pid":1072,"uid":0,"gid":0,"cwd":"/usr/games/minecraft","execPath":"/usr/bin/nodejs","version":"v4.4.2","argv":["/usr/bin/nodejs","/usr/games/minecraft/webui.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":131190784,"heapTotal":69306464,"heapUsed":57210696}},"os":{"loadavg":[0.37841796875,0.42626953125,0.21923828125],"uptime":1947},"trace":[{"column":7,"file":"/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js","function":null,"line":45,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":15,"file":"fs.js","function":"FSReqWrap.oncomplete","line":82,"method":"oncomplete","native":false}],"stack":["AssertionError: File should always be initialied with stat","    at /usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js:45:7","    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)"],"level":"error","message":"uncaughtException: File should always be initialied with stat","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:54:28.641Z"}
{"date":"Fri Apr 15 2016 00:54:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)","process":{"pid":1072,"uid":0,"gid":0,"cwd":"/usr/games/minecraft","execPath":"/usr/bin/nodejs","version":"v4.4.2","argv":["/usr/bin/nodejs","/usr/games/minecraft/webui.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":131420160,"heapTotal":69306464,"heapUsed":57373720}},"os":{"loadavg":[0.37841796875,0.42626953125,0.21923828125],"uptime":1947},"trace":[{"column":7,"file":"/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js","function":null,"line":45,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":15,"file":"fs.js","function":"FSReqWrap.oncomplete","line":82,"method":"oncomplete","native":false}],"stack":["AssertionError: File should always be initialied with stat","    at /usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js:45:7","    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)"],"level":"error","message":"uncaughtException: File should always be initialied with stat","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:54:28.645Z"}
{"date":"Fri Apr 15 2016 00:54:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)","process":{"pid":1072,"uid":0,"gid":0,"cwd":"/usr/games/minecraft","execPath":"/usr/bin/nodejs","version":"v4.4.2","argv":["/usr/bin/nodejs","/usr/games/minecraft/webui.js"],"memoryUsage":{"rss":131420160,"heapTotal":69306464,"heapUsed":57454976}},"os":{"loadavg":[0.37841796875,0.42626953125,0.21923828125],"uptime":1947},"trace":[{"column":7,"file":"/usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js","function":null,"line":45,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":15,"file":"fs.js","function":"FSReqWrap.oncomplete","line":82,"method":"oncomplete","native":false}],"stack":["AssertionError: File should always be initialied with stat","    at /usr/games/minecraft/node_modules/fireworm/lib/file.js:45:7","    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)"],"level":"error","message":"uncaughtException: File should always be initialied with stat","timestamp":"2016-04-15T00:54:28.653Z"}



Note the underscore in path above. Could this affect it? I did not see any underscore in the ‘file.js’ itself.


No. When we had the underscore error, we got a file not found error. We have another error message this time:

uncaughtException: File should always be initialied with stat


I am prepared for this test.

Honestly, this problem has plagued mineos-node for some time now, but it persists because I’ve never been able to–ever–reproduce it.

One problem with the nodejs approach of asynchronous everything is that it is unclear from the error tracebacks where the issue is originating from. I have ideas, obviously, knowing it has to follow uses of fw–which only exist in a few places, but without ever having had hands-on ability to tool around, this constantly evades me.

There are a few things we can do that could help address this, choose one according to your comfort level:

  1. I can (mostly blindly) try to correct the code in an experimental branch around the areas that involve fw. It’ll probably suppress errors, but won’t correct. Can you clarify what is happening now in the most current issue? Is the webui crashing and restarting? I can’t tell from the snippet of the mineos.log
  2. You can transmit to me a copy of your /var/games/minecraft. Something about the setup there is directing MineOS to look for a file or listen for file creation or something that fireworm doesn’t like. Of course, your worlds could be very large, but I also don’t need that. I pretty much just need a good cross-section of your directories up to the /servername/logs. Or in other words, all files except /world and /[level-name]–the bulk of the HDD users.
  3. You can let me tool around on the system itself. I’d need root, but I’d say it’s the best chance at pin-pointing the issue. Don’t feel bad if you don’t want to share this and try out this route, #2 is just as good.

Hi hexparrot,

I’ve been reading and testing the whole time after work today.

This is clearly not your issue. IMHO.

Everything worked fine under the last wheezy with java 7 and I am reverting to that distro now for both FTB Infinity 1.10.1 and CandCs_Challenge.

It was the shiny brand new jessie with java 8 and I started drooling.

Importing and running an archive created on the old format was clearly incompatible. It could not handle the ‘Underscore’ in the server name. Once corrected I got the ‘fireworm’ issue that can not be surmounted as it seems to be a forge and mod issue.

This is confirmed when I noticed the very same issues cropping up after I had upgraded my stable wheezy servers to java 8.

I am now moving everything back to java 7 wheezy and forge 1.7.10. I will report on the outcome.

Thanks for your kind attention,


Sorry hexparrot,


  1. I will try to help but do not work blind, (no idea what fw-- is).What is happening to MineOS is I can log in for a limited time, If I linger to long, nothing works anymore. I have to hard reboot the virtual machine, that brings the differing hardware issues for different users. Anyway as I moved along past the undercore issue and started getting the fireworm issue mineos would freeze as soon as I started a server.

Where you see 3 instances in the log of the same fireworm freeze repeating itself is actually 3 different hard reboots of the VM. Each time it froze the log entry was tailed in. Restart, log in via http, start server, freeze, (entry into log), repeat.

If I did not start the server, no freeze up. I call it a freeze and not a crash because I can still navigate, no functions tho and I can logout. To me a crash is I get thrown out of the mineos interface.

  1. I deleted the actual servers but the archives I have. Any attempt to run the archive generates the problems so I can provide that. My feeling is it may just be the combination of my setup, hardware, software, virtual machines etc. that would be very difficult to recreate (original post) and my archive may work just fine on another’s set up, dunno.

That is supposed to be a ‘2’ above, lol.

  1. Three, That would be fine except I need to get my head around port fwd. Not there as yet, sorry. Soon perhaps. Love what you have done for us (my family).

Very Best Regards,


Another thing itching the back of my mind, yet to be looked at is my server (the Dell) my have java 7 buried in it and needs upgraded to java 8. it is an issue I need to eliminate.

Is there a particular file host I could upload my archive to?


WOW, how wrong can I be?

Imported archive to wheezy java7 started server and same result:

uncaughtException: File should always be initialized with stat



this was a new server with a import server archive that must be the cause.

Feeling low.


You are running a VM. Ho large is the VM? Do you have any way to export it and make it available for @hexparrot (and possibly me, to se if I can tinker around the bug for you)? This would mean giving out password to mc (or you “normal” login" and root, so please use PM to give link and passwords if you need.

(A tutorial for how to export a VM here: http://www.fucking-it.com/articles/vmware/292-vmware-esxi-6-export-virtual-machine, you still ned somewhere to place it so it can be downloaded though)

Giving @hexparrot a copy of the VM would actually mean he has a working version with the bug active that are plaguing him. By exporting it first by using the method above means it can be imported again both by VMware and VMbox virtual managers. I use VMbox, and I do seem to remember @hexparrot mentioning using it as well.

Hi iMelsom,

I will be working on this all weekend, needless to say I need to get a stable server up for the girls ASAP. Then testing.

I have been using 70gb per server but I can shrink that down to a manageable size for u/l.

I think I can recreat this error anytime so will build a custom server with the errors including the ‘underscore’ error. So no problem with getting you guys a live version to play with.

All I need is time :wink: Is there a free u/l host you would prefer it u/l to? (Not alot of u/l experience.)

Thanks again,


EDIT: I have CandCsChallenge and FTBInfinity both up, running and stable on wheezy w/ java8, the WebUI is not freezing. I note the commit went from bcb4bd5 to 2d22dc1 and do not know if this is the reason. Changes I made were to remove underscores and I think the biggest was to use the default name “world” instead of what I was using. I believe this is what was causing the ‘fireworm’ issue, something was wanting to write a save to world and it wasn’t there. More testing to come with Jessie.

Odd that I am seeing a “Player Interaction” page in CandC but not in FTB WebUI. CandC was built by scratch and FTB was imported from archive.

EDIT 2: An existing server with comit bcb4bd5 would not last a few seconds after creating a server. Update to 2d22dc1 and alot of problems vanished. However I still think the ‘underscore’ and not using the ‘world’ name also created some issues.

FTBInfinity and CandCsChallenge are both up and running on Jessie.

That’s right all 4 servers, 2ea wheezy java8 and 2ea jessie all up and stable at the same time. Outrageous!

Seems Issues are solved but I will still u/l archives and live VM servers with issues soon.

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